Chapter 74- You Can What?

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The new dawns as the boys surprise you at the apartment, you open the door with a sleepy face still visible. Opening the door they greet you, "Good morning," you shock yourself awake, "What? What are you guys doing here," Jungkook speaks, "We wanted to see if you wanted to go to the park with us," you run your fingers through your hair, "Um... sure. Just let me change and I'll be set," they smile, you open the door wider, "Please, come in." They enter the apartment and look around, "So this is the famous apartment of (y/n)," said Jin, you smile as you walk to your room, "Yeah, this is my place. Make yourselves at home."

Closing the bedroom door you rummage through your closet looking for something comfy to wear, something for the park, something for the park, here we go. You pick out a graphic shirt, shorts, high tops, and a snapback. Re-entering the living room the boys still roam around your apartment examining your apartment life, you break the boys' search, "Did I commit a crime," they look over at you, Taehyung nods, "No. We're just looking at the pictures," you grab your bag, "Ready to go." We head downstairs to the van and drive off to a nearby park in LA.

Walking around the park with the boys you hear screams and laughter coming from up head, you question, "What's that screaming coming from," Jimin questions too, "I don't know. Let's check it out." Heading towards the noise you see a bunch of kids skateboarding at a local skate park, "No way. These kids are skateboarding," you say in shock, the others come up from behind, "Woah! Did you see that" you watch a kid do a trick, "Did that dude seriously just did a Hospital flip," the boys look at you, "A what," Jin asked. You laugh, "A hospital flip. Not hard but tricky for some skaters. I'm gonna rent a board," you leave the boys and head to the skateboard stand to rent out a board.

Heading to the skate complex you notice the boys staring at you and Namjoon shouted out, "Be careful, I don't think you know what you're doing," you laugh and skate down the ramp just gliding teasing the boys that you're a rookie at skating. After a few glides you start doing tricks, first, a Daydream flip, into a Half Cab, finishing off with a Japan Air; as soon as you land the trick you see that everyone stopped in amazement at your tricks, you skate up to the boys, "What? Is there something on my face," Yoongi breaks the silence, "How did you do that," you smile, "I board actually," Namjoon widens his eyes further, "You can what," you flip the board up into your hand, "Yeah. I've skateboarded for 10 years, surprised?" Not letting them answer you skate off again to do more tricks as the others find a spot to sit down and watch you continue.

About an hour passes when you finally return the board back to the stand and find the boys sitting down, "Anyone hungry," they stand up and stretch, Taehyung nods, "I am so hungry. Let's go out and eat, our choice this time," you stick your hands up, "Alright. You guys choice, I'm fine with anything." In the car, Taehyung looks at their options, "I found a bar called Far Bar. They got some good food as far as I can tell," the others agree as you look out the window and gulp at the mention of a bar. Namjoon grabbed your hand which caught your attention, he whispered, "It's okay," you look out the window again until the van pulls up to the bar. My nightmare better not become reality.

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