Chapter 70- Do You Feel Different? (Time skip)

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About four weeks pass since Namjoon promised you a better future with him, waking up every morning always gave you a bright smile just by gazing at the ring lying next to your phone. Ever since that night Namjoon would send you late night videos or late night texts for you to read in the mornings, he's become a better caring man since that night.

At work everyone noticed the ring and commented on how pretty it looked, where did you get it, when did you get it, and was it a gift. During the entire work shift you had to keep retelling the story to every worker there, it was starting to get annoying so Anna took over telling the story to anyone that asked.

Later that day, Anna found you in the break room laying on the couch during break trying to nap away the annoyance from the other workers. Anna laid on the floor next to the couch and pouted at you, "Why are you napping Yoongi," you giggled and opened your eyes, "I thought they would stop asking when they heard me talk about it to another person, but they haven't learned." Anna strokes your hair for no reason, you swat her hand away, "Stop that. You're weird," Anna laughs, "Do you feel different since you got the ring," you sit up and sweep your hair to one side, "Um, not really. I feel the same but not really," Anna sits up as well, "How do you feel the same but not really," you ponder on that sentence, "Well I feel the same, nothing changed but at the same time I have more meaning to my life. I go through everyday life as a normal person but I have Namjoon and this ring." Anna listens and nods understanding your thought process, "So you still feel like (Y/N) but now your life is better because you have Namjoon and a bright future ahead of you," you nod.

Later that night, you lay around your living room watching TV when your laptop screen turns blue and starts ringing, you sit up, "Who's Skype calling me at midnight?" Fully opening your laptop you see a familiar picture on the caller ID, smiling at the picture you accept the call.

Me: *in a sleepy voice* Hello?

Namjoon: *bright and cheerful* Hello beautiful, did I wake you up?

Me: No, I was laying on the couch watching TV.

Namjoon: Oh, okay. So, how are you doing?

Me: I'm fine just a little tired and annoyed by my co-workers.

Namjoon: What happened? How are your co-workers annoying you?

Me: Since this morning they've been asking me about the ring and everything. I wanted to create a scene at the shop but I stopped myself before I did.

Namjoon: Well that good that you stopped yourself from creating a huge scene at the shop.

Me: Yeah. So what are you up to now.

Namjoon: As you can tell, I'm laying in bed talking to an angel from heaven.

Me: *you giggle and blush*

Namjoon: We've been working on our new album for Japan, finalizing it, making a few edits here and there, but that's all we've been doing.

Me: What number album is this one for Japan?

Namjoon: Album number three.

Me: Does the album have a name yet? I'm going to keep an eye out for it on iTunes.

Namjoon: *chuckles* It's called 'Face Yourself'.

Me: Oooo, a dark album I'm guessing.

Namjoon: Not really. It's just some songs from 'Love Yourself: Her' with some new songs being added to the album.

Me: *nodding* Understandable.

Namjoon: *changes topics* Can I ask you something that I've been wondering for a while now?

Me: *nodding* Yeah sure.

Namjoon: Remember when I took you to that restaurant overlooking Seoul. *you nod* You said that you don't drink, is there any specific reason why you don't? Was there like a tragic event that caused you to say "I'm not going to drink ever".

Me: Anna is the only one that knows this, but I think you deserve to know as well. Growing up my dad was a happy guy, he had a well-balanced job that he loved so much. One day, he came home all sad like and my mom and I asked him what happened, he lost his job due to shortcuts that the company was taking. It hurt him so much that he would go to bars back to back for months drinking away the pain, and he's never drank in his life. While my dad was drinking my mom was trying to help him by finding another job for him and he didn't like it when my mom tried to help, so his drunk personality acted out by abusing my mom.

Namjoon: Oh my gosh, that's terrible. How old were you when this started?

Me: I was 10 when this started. Anyways, I was getting tired of his drunk personality so I acted out one night when he wanted to take his anger out again on my mom. I stepped in front of him and grabbed his fist before it could connect with my mom's face, he didn't like it when I stepped in. He got angry when I interrupted him, so he punched me in the ribs so hard that I collapsed on the floor gasping for air. My mom hated what he did to me that she punched him in the face causing him to fall, she picked me up and ran out of the house to her friends that was ten miles away from our house.

Namjoon: Did your dad ever stop drinking after he punched you? Did he find a new job?

Me: No, but when I was in junior high my mom finally had enough and divorced him. The only bad thing was that he kept the house, my mom and I was basically homeless even though Anna's mom was generous enough to let us stay with them.

Namjoon: Did you and your mom have enough money after the divorce?

Me: We hardly had any at that time. I just realized something, that was the day that Anna introduced me to BTS. She knew I danced so she wanted to challenge my dancing ability, I don't blame her any bit because it took me weeks to fully learn the choreo by watching the music videos on a loop.

Namjoon: *laughs* I guess that's when you started to street dance, not only for fun but for money as well.

Me: Yeah. I collected a lot of money by dancing every day, morning and night. I would even skip school to dance endless hours on the street to collect enough money to buy a house for my mom and me.

Namjoon: You skipped school to dance. (Y/N) that's bad, did you even graduate high school?

Me: Yeah, even college. One of my junior high teachers knew I skipped school. One day he asked me why I would skip school, I told him my whole story and he understood incredibly.

Namjoon: Did you fail your classes.

Me: No. he knew I was a smart kid, I would understand topics in a flash where everyone else would ask endless questions about it. Literally, he would let me leave class just to go dance on the street and everyone else would question why I could leave. He brought me my school work to Anna's house and handed it to me and it would be done within that day I received it.

Namjoon: She's smart too. Who was the teacher?

Me: My Spanish teacher, Mr. Rodriguez. He understood my situation better than the school counselors. They would tell me it would be fine and that the school would help my mom and me out with money and housing, but it either took to long or they would forget, Rodriguez was better than them; he told me he had a student before that was in a similar situation as me and that made me feel a lot better, that someone understood my pain and someone that I could turn too.

Namjoon: I understand as well. You're strong, you are my inspiration for now on.

Me: *laughs* Alright. But yeah, that's why I don't drink.

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