Chapter 29- Attempt #2 (Time skip)

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Six weeks pass since the comeback concert of VLive and life has been better, the coffee shop is stable, you've been dancing on the corner again, and all the guys find time in their busy schedule to talk to you. I have the greatest friends in the whole wide world.

At the coffee shop a rush of business people come in for their morning coffee before they head to their cubicles or offices, after the last business person leaves you lean over Anna's shoulder, "Have I ever mentioned how much I hate business people in the mornings," Anna shrugs you off, "Yes sweetheart, almost every day." In the middle of your shift your phone buzzes in your back pocket, you remove the phone and look at the screen, "What's this," as you open the notification the phone screen turns black, "What, no! Ugh, my phone died and I got a notification," Anna smirks, "Did you read it," you place the phone back in your pocket, "No, it died before I could read it. Plus I didn't bring my charger with me," frustration is read on your face, "Looks like you're gonna have to survive phoneless for another hour and a half," Anna laughs, you look over and give her a death stare.

Returning home you place your phone on the charger and walk away, you grab a bottle drink and think to yourself, I wonder what the notification was before my phone died. Entering your room the phone buzzes again like earlier, you pick up the phone and read the screen again, Video Message From Namjoon, confusion takes over your mind, "Video message? What's this about and what number is this video," you open the video and watch.

Namjoon: Hello! Video log #50 for a pretty girl. I don't know to start this video actually. Anyways, I wasn't brave enough to tell you in person when you visited Seoul months ago, but I can't wait anymore. I'll tell you through the video, I kept a secret from you for a long time now. I was scared to tell you, I was scared that I would lose you if I told you, lose you as a friend. Well, it would kill me if I lose you to another guy. But I need to tell you, um, because you deserve to know. *he chuckles* I'm sorry I'm being inconsiderate. Here goes nothing... I love you. I would protect you from anyone who wants to hurt you, that's the truth. You make my heart beat faster than my raps when I see you. *he gets distracted by his hair and camera angle* Wow, I look terrible, but it doesn't matter. *refocuses on the task* Um, you make my chest ache, you're killing me, it's crazy. I wish I told you in person sooner, I really like you, I really love you. It was hard to tell you. *laughs with a blush on his face* I sound dumb don't I? You were driving me crazy when I almost kissed you back in LA and when you left Seoul. You are so beautiful, I love you. I hope you call me back, I'll let you soak it all in. Goodbye (y/n)! *blows a kiss to the camera and looks down in embarrassment.*

You drop your phone next to you and soak in what Namjoon just said, I can't believe he actually did it. He seriously just confessed his love for me, wow. After soaking in all his words you gain the courage to FaceTime him if he's not busy. You click on his name and wait for him to pick up, I hope he picks up.

*The line connects*

Namjoon: Hello.

Me: Hello. *you wave at him, he waves back* I got your video.

Namjoon: You did? Oh gosh. *he looks down*

Me: I watched it too, sorry I didn't respond right away, my phone died.

Namjoon: It's okay. What did you think?

Me: I was worried that you were asleep or something.

Namjoon: No, just inside my studio.

Me: Alright. Anyways, I'm speechless. *you laugh* I have four things to confess: 1) I've missed you so much, 2) Jin and Taehyung have been sending me photos of you, *you laugh again* 3) It's about time you say it, and 4) I love you too. At night it's hard to sleep because you're always on my mind. It was love at first sight in my opinion, almost a year ago I saw a tall, stunning, platinum-gray haired, rapper watching me perform. I wish I was with you right now, watching you perform in person, talking to you, messing with you, and hearing you rap. Hopefully, I get to see you perform live again.

Namjoon: Wow, *speechless* I wish you were here as well. I miss you a lot too, and I hope you come back soon or I come to you soon. I want to see my beautiful girl again. *he blushes passionately*

Me: Anyways, gotta face another day without you. *you pout* Bye, "Boyfriend", *you laugh and wink at him* I love you! *you blow a kiss at the camera*

After the call ends you immediately text Anna what just happened.

Me: You will not believe what just happened!

Anna: What?

Me: Guess who pulled the trigger in a form of a video...

Anna: He did not?!? (Y/N), omg!

Me: I just finished talking to him too.

Anna: What did you say?

Me: That I love him too.

Anna: Aw, the baby is all grown up.

Me: You're making me feel like Jungkook.

Anna: Haha. But (y/n), that's amazing. Wait, are you two dating now?

Me: I don't know. I've never dated an idol before, usually guys just straight up ask me, confession is different.

Anna: Well, I say you two are.

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