Chapter 59- Silence Has Fallen

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The time read 10 pm signaling the time for everyone to meet back up at the entrance. Walking back you still kept your silence as Namjoon tried everything to see you smile again, he kept asking, "Can I see one smile from your beautiful face? Please," but you kept looking straight ahead.

Reaching the entrance you see everyone else waiting so you disconnect from Namjoon and run towards the group. Anna sees you running and shouts out, "Hey! What took you two so long," you reach the group and catch your breath, "Sorry. We were at the haunted house and the walk is pretty far." Namjoon finally reaches the group, he looks at the time, "It's getting late, let's go home," we all nod and head towards the car.

The car ride home was pretty silent, everyone was asleep except you, you were looking out the window at the night sky until you feel and a hand reaches for yours. You look over and see Namjoon's hand holding yours, even though I'm still mad at him, he still looks so cute sleeping. You continue to look out the window, but occasionally you glanced over at Namjoon who kept adjusting his head until it fell on your shoulder, you whisper to yourself, "I knew he would do that." Seeing the night sky sent flashbacks to your first night in Seoul, laying in the hammock with Namjoon stargazing to the night lights of Seoul on this secret hill. Thinking back on those moments finally revealed a smile; suddenly you felt a warm breath and soft lips on your neck, you look over at Namjoon and he whispers, "I won remember," you smirk and whisper back, "You're dreaming. There was no bet," he laughs quietly, "Nice try." You poke his forehead and pushed him away, "You're a weirdo," he smirks, "But you like this weirdo."

After the long drive the car pulls up to the house, everyone lets out a sleepy moan and look around at their surroundings, you get out of the car first and quietly wake everyone up, "We're home, wake up." After everyone got out of the car you wrap one of Anna's arm around your neck to walk her up to your room, you look back at the boys, "Night guys," the all respond but Jungkook offers to help, "Here (y/n), I'll carry Anna for you," you unhook Anna's arm from your neck and give her to Jungkook as he picks her up bridal style, you smile, "I need to video this."

Reaching your room you open the door for Jungkook and point to the bed, "Lay her there," he nods and lays her down gently and even covers her with an extra blanket at the foot of the bed, you whisper to Jungkook, "Thanks kookie. Goodnight," he closes the door and heads to bed. With everyone finally asleep from the long day, silence falls throughout the house.

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