Chapter 71- On a Deeper Level

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For endless hours you and Namjoon talked about so many different things, getting a better understanding of the other person, on a deeper level.

Namjoon: Can I ask you another question?

Me: *rubbing one eye* Yeah sure.

Namjoon: You know that the guys and I drink right?

Me: Yeah, I've seen your fridge, beer everywhere.

Namjoon: Are you ever afraid that if I ever get too drunk, I would lash out like your father?

Me: I always have that thought, but I trust you.

Namjoon: How?

Me: My dad was different, he was happy that he started drinking. You, on the other hand, you can control your alcohol level; you know when to cut yourself off.

Namjoon: What if you were here in Seoul and the guys and I can home drunk, what would you do?

Me: I would monitor you guys and made sure all of you made it to bed safely.

Namjoon: Okay. What if I can home drunk, what would you do?

Me: Again, I would monitor you and make sure you were safe.

Namjoon: What if I can home drunk and angry? Would you feel safe or scared?

Me: There or not, I'm always scared for you. When you would send me pictures of you and the guys at bars celebrating a tour or whatever I'm always worried about you and the others. I was in Seoul and you can home drunk and angry I would try to keep a safe distance but still monitor you, and if you were to take any anger out of me, I would stand my ground and not worry.

Namjoon: Why?

Me: Because you love me and you would never hurt me, and if you did, I would walk away from you to a safe distance until you were sober enough to understand what happened.

Namjoon: That would kill me if I were to ever do that to you.

Me: Don't kill yourself, that's bad. Don't think that.

Namjoon: *nodding his head at your advice*

Me: *looks at the time* We've been up since midnight, it's three in the morning. *laughs*

Namjoon: *surprised* Really? I've kept you up for that long? I'm sorry baby.

Me: *sleepy smile* It's okay sweetheart.

Namjoon: I'll let you sleep. Goodnight... weirdo.

Me: *smiles again* You promised to weird. Goodnight... shy boy.

The Skype call ended as you stretched out on the couch covering yourself with a blanket and slowly falling asleep. With one last deep sigh, you close your eyes thinking about the long conversation until you finally fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up on the couch with the TV still on from last night with a dead laptop staring at you. Sitting up you look at the clock, what time is... oh no, I oversleep. I had to work at six in the morning, and it's twelve in the afternoon. You find your phone on the coffee table with a text greeting you and ten missed calls.

Anna: I guess you oversleep, that's okay. I'll cover you, hope you slept well. Love ya, sis!

You slam your head back on the couch realizing your mistake, you send a text back to Anna even though the shift is probably over already.

Me: Sorry, I did oversleep. Namjoon kept me up all night Skype calling me, but thank you for covering me today. I owe you, sis!

Anna: He kept you up all night, who does he think he is? An angel needs her sleep.

Me: Haha. It was my fault I should have cut it off earlier in the night but I wasn't keeping up on time, or what day it was.

Anna: How long was the conversation?

Me: About four hours or so.

Anna: FOUR HOURS!!!!!!!! You two stayed up from midnight to three in the morning!!!

Me: In my defense, it was a deep conversation.

Anna: What was the "deep conversation"?

Me: Why I don't drink and other stuff.

Anna: That must of been hard for you to talk about it.

Me: Not really. But he did turn it around on himself.

Anna: How?

Me: He was like, "If I were to come home drunk and angry, what would you do?"

Anna: And...

Me: I would watch him from a safe distance, and if he were to take out any drunk anger out on me then I would stand my ground.

Anna: Wow, that was a deep conversation just by those little highlight topics.

Me: Yeah, I feel like we know each other on a deeper level now.

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