Chapter 28- Big Reveal (Time skip)

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Four months have passed and the new song that Namjoon mentioned in a past VLive has not surfaced yet, I wonder what the new song is? The morning must go on, at the coffee shop Anna bumps into you on purpose and shows you a notification on her phone, "Check this out. Could this be a teaser of the new song Namjoon mentioned months ago," you take the phone and read the article fast, "I don't know? They haven't said anything." Going through the morning taking peoples coffee orders you can't help but wonder is it true, is that the teaser for the new song? During your hour break you receive a text message:

Hobi: Good morning sunshine! How's life going?

Me: Morning! Life is going well. How're the boys?

Hobi: We're good. Have you seen the latest story about us? Click the link.

Me: I've already read it. Is that a teaser for the new song I've heard about?

Hobi: *sends the lips sealed emoticon*

Me: No fair! I want to know, please.

Hobi: Can't spill out secrets, but we do have a comeback concert tonight.

Me: Alright. When? What time?

Hobi: Tonight on VLive. Time- 8 pm (according to your time zone)

Me: Okay! Anna and I will be watching.

After the conversation you walk over to Anna, "Hey, Hobi said that there's a comeback concert tonight on VLive," a surprised look sweeps over Anna's face, "Yay! What time," you look back at the text, "Um, 8 pm. Our time zone. My place," she nods and you jump behind the counter and resume your shift.

Later that night Anna knocks on your apartment door, "Coming," you yell from your living room. Opening the door Anna holds up bags of food, "Why watch a concert on an empty stomach," you smile and grab some of the bags, "Are we feeding a village? What all did you get," rummaging through the bags you set the items of food out on the kitchen counter, "Just our favorite, and I thought we could make some pizza." Scouring through the food your eyes widen, "Stuff to make pizzas, candy, sodas, caramel chocolates for me. I'm so glad we're friends," you smile at Anna standing in the living room, "Have you turned on the VLive yet," you put the bags away in a cabinet, "No! You can connect the computer to the TV for a better view," Anna's face turn dumbfounded, "What, you can plug the computer to the TV?" Entering the living room you grab your laptop and set it next to the TV, "This computer can hook up to the TV not the one on the table," Anna connects the dots in her mind, "Oh... I got you," you smirk and plug the laptop into the TV, "There, all set up. Should we make the pizzas now before it's too late," Anna nods her head and heads towards the kitchen. Placing the pizzas in the oven your laptop buzzes, "I'll check it out," Anna walks over, "Hey, concerts on," you close the oven door and sprint to the couch, "I'm here."

The concert starts with an intro of BTS, "Aw, they look so handsome," you laugh, "I like how you said that as soon as Jungkook's photo popped up," Anna punches your arm, "Shut up! They're all handsome," you nod your head. After the intro the Army goes wild and fire puffs up here and there, "I wonder what song they're going to start off with," you think out loud, Anna places her bet, "I bet it's Fire," you smirk, "I bet it's NO," silence falls as the music starts, what song is it? "I was right," Anna jumps up and almost touches the ceiling, you punch the air in frustration, "Dang it! You were right." Staring at the movement that the guys perfect is like art in your eyes, Anna was amazed by the perfection.

Song after song they guys took a break and talked to the Army, Hobi screamed at the top of his lungs, "Army! Are you liking this comeback so far," the crowd erupts in excitement, all the guys take turns thanking the Army for coming out and supporting them, then Namjoon takes his turn, "Army! We all want the thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us through thick and thin. Last night I was on VLive and I'm pretty sure all of you watched, but I asked for advice on something personal in the form of a person that I truly care about," Jimin interrupts him, "By person he means (y/n)," he laughs as Namjoon covered his face in embarrassment, "Shut up Jimin. Anyways, I got great advice from all of you and I the last thing I said was that I was going to convince the guys to make this song special for her. Let me hear you Army if you want to hear the new song."

As the guys prepare for the new song Hoseok waves his hands in a stopping motion, "Hold on, hold on! I actually have something to admit to RM," Namjoon turns around with confusion, "What is it," Hoseok wraps his arm around Namjoon, "You know how I was acting giddy and excited before we started," Namjoon shakes his head, "Well... earlier today I may or may not have texted (y/n) and told her to watch," Namjoon walks away, "You did not," Hoseok nods and smiles, "You're lying. Please tell me you're lying," Namjoon is in shock. A backup dancer runs to Hoseok and hands him his phone, "Right now to prove that I'm not lying I'm going to send a text to (y/n) and ask her if she's watching. The proof will be a photo of her watching us right now," Hoseok sends the text. Anna and you laugh at Namjoon being flustered as your phone buzzes, "Time to prove Namjoon wrong," you snap a photo of you with the TV in the background and send it back to Hoseok. After a minute Hoseok looks back at his phone, "Oh, RM! Here's the proof, she sends back a photo. I need a camera to show the Army as well," he shows the Army the photo of you in the camera and they all scream in excitement. Hoseok laughs at Namjoon and heads back to the others for the new song, "Here's our new song 21st Century Girls, I hope you love it."

Hearing the new song both you and Anna can't help but sing along to it, "This song is amazing," Anna says dancing to the best of her abilities, you laugh and film Anna dancing to the song, "That's going straight to Jungkook after the concert," Anna stops in her tracks, "Don't you dare," you laugh ending the video, "Don't underestimate my character." When the new song ended the mood changed as a slow melody started to play, "What song is this," you focus back on the TV, Anna tunes back in as well, "I think it's Spring Day," the song is opened up by Hoseok, "No, it is Spring Day! Get the tissues ready Anna," you squirm in your seat. Hearing the song is bringing the sad emotions back into your mind, tears start to roll down your cheeks, you glance over to Anna holding your phone, "Are you recording me," Anna shakes her head, "You recorded me so I record you. This is going straight to Namjoon when the concerts over," you try to block the camera with your hand but Anna is moving it around trying to get a good angle, "Stop Anna." Towards the end of the song it comes to Taehyung's part, "You know it all, you're my best friend, the sun will rise again," he makes a fist and waves it, you squirm even more, "He did our signal! He did our signal," Anna stops recording and looks confused, "What signal," you explain to Anna, "Where Taehyung did the fist. That's our handshake, we all do it," Anna leans back, "Oh, I get it. It's your handshake, okay."

When the concert ending, Anna and you eat the remaining food left, "Should I send Jungkook your dance video," you wave your phone around, Anna drops her slice of pizza, "If you send him my video, I send Namjoon your video," you pounder on the wager, "Um, I'm going to send it." As soon as you hit send Anna snatches the phone out of your hand and sends Namjoon your crying video, "Let's see who replies first," Anna says placing the phone down, you chuckle, "It's going to be about midnight if they reply," Anna nods, "You got that right." A few minutes pass and the phone buzzes, both of you drop what your holding, "I wonder who replied first? My bet is Jungkook," you say slowly grabbing your phone, Anna crosses her fingers, "I bet it's Namjoon," you turn over the phone, "It's... Jeon Jungkook," Anna falls to the ground, "What did he say," you open the text, "Let's see. He said 'you dance like Namjoon before he got dance lessons'. HEY," you send a text back, "Hey not cool! He's trying hard okay," after you hit send another text pops up, "Is it Namjoon," Anna says getting up from the ground, "What did he say," you read the text aloud again, "He said 'That whole comeback was for you. I hope you loved it as much as we love you.' That's so sweet." Anna and you spend the rest of the night talking about the guys, the concert, and life itself.

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