Chapter 41- I Wish You Were Here (Time skip)

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Namjoon and you have been going strong for almost three months, tomorrow officially marks three months with him. Hanging out in your bedroom listening to music on your laptop your phone rings, "I wonder who that could be," you question, turning over the phone it reads, 'Namjoon would like to FaceTime...' you happily accept the call.

Namjoon: Hello!

Me: Hello!

Namjoon: *messes with his hair* My hair is acting weird. *you laugh* Uh, I can't find a good angle. *moves the camera around*

Me: I like it up high, like this. *you show him the angle*

Namjoon: *moves the camera to that angle* Sorry I'm calling you so late at night, the time zones are weird. *laughs* So, how was your day?

Me: *shrugging your shoulders* Um, boring day. Yesterday Anna would not stop asking me questions about us.

Namjoon: Really?

Me: Yeah, I almost yelled at her, but I kept my cool. I was really harsh though.

Namjoon: What was she asking?

Me: "How is he", "what's he doing", "what's it like dating an idol", stuff like that.

Namjoon: *nods his head* Ah, I see. She does get curious easily doesn't she?

Me: Yeah. *Namjoon looks away and pouts* What's wrong?

Namjoon: Um...

Me: Tell me, please. Is it your schedule?

Namjoon: Not really. *he lays on his stomach with a pillow in hand* It's just that... I miss you so much.

Me: Aw, Joonie. I miss you too.

Namjoon: I wish you were here right now. I want you in my arms again, I want to see your beautiful face again, and I want to sleep next to you again.

Me: Awwww. I wish I was with you too. *you try to change the mood* Do you know what tomorrow is?

Namjoon: *perks up with curiosity* What?

Me: Seriously? Do you not know?

Namjoon: I'm kidding, of course, I know what tomorrow is. *he laughs* Three months with the most wonderful girl ever created and known to man. *he smiles*

Me: I wish we could celebrate it together for once. *you pout*

Namjoon: Don't be sad, I don't like it when you're sad. *changes topics* You look tired, you should get some sleep.

Me: Okay. Goodnight.

Namjoon: Goodnight jagiya! *kisses the screen*

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