Chapter 14- BTS Life

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While you live your normal Los Angeles life, the life in Seoul with BTS is anything but normal. The members have concerts, fan signs, interviews, music award shows, shooting music videos, focusing on their albums, and so much more. All the members feel stressed out by all of these events but their use to it because they do this on a daily basis but they need you to be their stress reliever, they need you with them.

The boys send you videos, photos, and anything else so you don't feel left out because they care about you so much. Back in LA during your week off, you sent photos and videos back to them so they can see you being happy and living life, "Hey guys (y/n) just send another photo. Check it out," Jin showed the boys the photo you sent them to him hiking up the Hollywood mountain and the view you had. Hoseok took the photo and ran to Namjoon, "Check out your girl hiking joonie," Namjoon smiled at the photo then punched Hoseok, "She's not my girl Hobi." Hoseok took the phone back and Jin and responded, "Not yet at least," Namjoon blushed and saw Hoseok wink at him because everyone knows how to get under Namjoon's skin.

Interviews and shows were tiring out the boys so much that they didn't want to talk to you, they've gone a whole month without talking to you, sending photos and video can to a halt on both ends of the phone. Every day the members would set a time to relax and hopefully get a chance to talk to you but that would get taken away from them because the idol life comes first to them in Seoul. All the members were getting stressed out more than ever and they've become more sleep deprived because not communicating with you made them worry about you more. Taehyung called you one night to check up on you to make sure you were fine and happy:

Taehyung: Hello (y/n). I just have a couple of minutes before the others and I get busy again. I just wanted to call you and check up on you. I hope you don't hate us for not talking to you but our schedule is super busy now, more than ever. We all wish you were here right now because we can use your presence to calm us down and reassure ourselves because we've been so sleep deprived and stressed out, ugh, we need you so bad right now. I have to go now, call me or anyone of us so we know that you're fine. Bye!

When you had time in LA you called back Taehyung, who didn't answer, then you called each of them, they didn't answer but you did leave all of them a voicemail so they each knew that you were fine and happy. The boys were at a TV station for an interview in Seoul to talk about their week in Los Angeles, what's to come, the album, and many more; all of their phones buzzed and saw that there was a voicemail from you, "Hey, I got a voicemail from (y/n)," Jimin said aloud and the others nodded in agreement, they all took time to listen to your voicemail and they all smiled at the sound your voice. Taehyung finished his voicemail first and put his phone back in his pocket, "Well I'm glad she's happy," one by one they put their phones away and calmed down their nerves knowing that you were happy and weren't angry at them not talking to you every day.

A few weeks after their interview you sent them a video message to greet them when they all woke up, "Everyone get up! We got a video message from (y/n)! Get up," Jungkook yelled at the top of his lungs, he jumped on all of the boys' bed to wake them up to see the message waiting for them in the living room. They got up slowly and lingered into the living room and sat on the couch. The TV changed from black to your video:

Me: Hey guys I hope you're having a great day. *you smile warmly* I miss all of you guys so much and I wish you were here in Los Angeles.*you pout sadly* Anyways, I'm fine and everything is great, I don't hate you guys for not calling or texting, I know how busy you get with your schedule and everything. I wish I was with you guys as well in Seoul, it sounds beautiful the way all of you describe it, I'll put visiting Seoul on my bucket list. *you laugh* I've been watching your interviews on VLive and even though I don't speak Korean, I can tell you mention me by your body language easily. *you laughingly blush* You guys are right about the time zones, they are weird, it's about 9 o'clock here on a Monday night and if I'm correct it's about 12 o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday, sorry if I'm interrupting your beauty sleep. *you laugh* Um, I am so tired, I've been working double shifts at the shop lately and that's tiring enough. I miss you guys so much and hopefully, you get another US tour soon so I can see you again. Ugh, alright I'm gonna go to sleep because I'm tired. Eight months gone and still counting! But please call me if you need me, I'll be here for all of you busy or not. I love you!!!!!

The message ends and everyone is in tears, they really miss you. Namjoon looked at their schedule to see when they get time off, "You gotta be kidding me," Suga walks over and asks, "What is it," Namjoon slams his hands on the kitchen counter, "Our next time off is Christmas week and it's January." Everyone looks at each other in disbelief at the mention of their time off, "So we won't see (y/n) for eleven months. That's insane," Taehyung says in a depressing tone. They're all in disbelief because meeting you was like a one time experience for them that they could never get again. 

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