Chapter 43- AMA's Surprise (Time skip)

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On your calendar, you cross out days till the American Music Awards that's a week away. This award show is your's and Anna's favorite award show because there's always good performances, excitement in the air, and jaw-dropping winners. Searching on the internet you find the categories but no nominees, ugh don't do this to me, show me the nominees. Looking at all the categories you come across the "Top Social Artist", you think to yourself, "If Justin Bieber is in this category again he's gonna win hands down, no one has beaten him yet."

To prepare for the AMA's you and Anna try so hard to find the nominees, so far nothing, "Ugh, I can't find a single thing," Anna moans out loud, you slam the laptop shut, "Same here. Nothing is coming up, they must want the nominees hidden." The both of you give up for the day and just wait for the award show to air on TV, laying on the couch your house phone rings, you answer, "Hello," the manager downstairs is calling, "Ms. (Y/N), you have mail," you reply, "Okay. I'll be downstairs in a minute." You head the lobby floor and greet the manager, "Hey, what's today's mail," he hands you the mail, scanning through the mail you come across a certain letter with a return address of BigHit Entertainment, a letter from BigHit, that's weird? You head upstairs to the apartment, "Hey Anna, I got a letter from BigHit," you lay down the other mail and open the BigHit letter, Anna sits up, "What is it," opening up the letter you read out loud to Anna.

Dear (Y/N),

You've been a big help with our Bangtan boys, you've brought light and happiness to their faces and they've worked harder than before. Having you be apart of the BTS experience is something that we've never thought would happen, we are glad that the members can spot talent when they see it and you have that talent. The members and I are officially calling you a Bangtan member, we all love you and support you. As a token of our appreciation towards you, we are giving you two VIP tickets to the American Music Awards. We hope you can attend and we'll see you there.


BigHit Entertainment

After reading the letter you and Anna burst into excitement, then you quickly read it again, "Wait! Anna," Anna stops jumping and look at you, "What," you look back at the letter, "This said there are two VIP tickets at the AMA's," looking into the envelope you see the two tickets, "They were not kidding, look." Anna and you jump in excitement again, then a question comes to mind, "What do VIP tickets include," Anna questions, you stop and grab the laptop, "Let's look and find out," surfing the AMA's website you find the tickets and read the VIP descriptions, "VIP tickets include seating with the artist," Anna stops you, "No way. We get to sit with the singers," you shush Anna, "It also has a backstage pass, red carpet appearance, and entrance to an after-party," Anna again jumps in the air, "I can't believe this. You know what this calls for," you look at her and smile, "Celebratory food," she shakes her head, "No, award show dress shopping."

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