Chapter 62- What Would You Choose?

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As the next day dawned Anna gathered the magazine's and put them in her bag and headed out to the coffee shop.

Entering the shop she was getting giddy with excitement again as she found you in the backroom on your phone. She sits down next to you and slides a few magazines towards you, "I need your help with something," you lay down your phone and look at the many imagines, "What's this?" Anna opens them up and shows you all the options, "I was thinking of ordering a ring but I need your opinion on them," you gaze upon the magazines, "Okay. What are you thinking," she points out a few rings, "I know you and I have the same taste in accessories, so tell me what your heart says," you look through all the rings that Anna was looking at. After thinking about the rings you point at Anna's fourth ring option, "That one's pretty. I would wear that," Anna looks back at the ring and agrees with you, "I liked that one too. I just needed a second opinion."

You leave the backroom to start your shift, Anna quickly takes out her phone and snaps a picture of the ring and sends it to Namjoon.

Anna: (Y/N) loves this ring for sure.

Namjoon: That's really beautiful. Did she suspect it at all?

Anna: No. I asked her in a way as "I need a second opinion".

Namjoon: Wow, that was easy. By the way, Jungkook says "Hi".

Anna: Tell Jungkook I said "Hi" back.

Namjoon: I will. Thanks, Anna!

Anna heads to the front to start her shift, she walks up behinds you, "Thanks for helping me pick out a ring," you glance back while making a drink, "No problem. Those were pretty rings too." Throughout the day Anna was acting weird which caught your attention, you confront her, "Anna, are you alright? You seem too excited," Anna tries to hide her suspicion, "Nothing's wrong, I'm just having a good day," you raise an eyebrow, "What did you do," Anna tried to change subjects, "How's your week been," you ignore the topic change, "Anna, what did you do." Anna walks away before she breaks the secret plan between her and Namjoon, you just shake it off and continue on working.

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