Chapter 61- Will You Help Me? (Time skip)

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Anna and you left Seoul about three months ago which was hard for both you two, Anna would always plead, "When will go back and see them," you would always reply, "We don't need to bother them every day Anna. You need to space out the visits so you don't become annoying." Not seeing the boys every day again was taking a toll on Anna, I wanna see them again, until one day Anna's phone buzzed, she questioned, "Who's texting me at this hour?"

Namjoon: Hey Anna!

Anna: Hey Namjoon? What's up?

Namjoon: Working on new songs. Quick question, is (y/n) near you?

Anna: No, why?

Namjoon: Okay, good. I need your help with something I'm planning.

Anna: Planning what? What for?

Namjoon: Well, my six month anniversary with (y/n) is coming up and I need your help.

Anna: What's my job?

Namjoon: I want to buy a promise ring for her but I need to know what ring she likes and ring size. Will you help me?

Anna: OMG, Namjoon! What finger do you want to put the ring on?

Namjoon: Either her ring finger or her pointer finger.

Anna: Oh, I can answer that one. Ring finger: size 4. Pointer finger: size 7.

Namjoon: Wow. She does have small hands but I didn't think it would be that small for her ring finger.

Anna: She would kill you for that comment.

Namjoon: You're right. Now, I just need to know what ring is her favorite.

Anna: I get ring magazine's all the time at my place. I'll bring some with me and ask her, but I won't make it obvious.

Namjoon: Okay! Thank you, Anna!

Anna places her phone down and screamed with excitement, "This is the best thing ever!" She ran to her living room and grabbed all of her ring magazine's and thought to herself, how do I get (y/n) to pick a ring but not make it obvious that it's for Namjoon? Ah, I got it! I'll make it seem like I want to buy a ring and I'll ask for her opinion in the way of, "If you were to get one, which one would you choose." Whatever she sets her heart on I'll secretly take a picture and send it to Namjoon. This is genius, way to go Anna.

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