Chapter 12- Goodbye

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The day starts off gloomy and depressing as today marks the day that BTS goes back home to Seoul. You woke up around 4 o'clock in the morning to meet the boys downstairs in the parking lot of your apartment, you get up and get ready to give the boys a farewell send off. Before heading to the door your phone buzzed on the table. 

Hobi: We're downstairs when you're ready.

Me: On my way!

Walking downstairs you reflected on the weeks that you spent with BTS, the fun times, backstage moments, the jokes, the food, and the bond that you created with them. Walking out the front door of the complex a van was waiting for you with Hobi standing next to the door, "Good morning (y/n)," he said with a sleepy smile on his face, "Very tired," you said entering the van, after Hobi came in and shut the door all the boys greeted you with sleepy expressions on their faces. You sat next to Namjoon and he gives you a side hug, "Hey, you look tired still go back to sleep," you whispered to him, Namjoon nodded and fell back asleep and all the boys followed one by one, including you.

The long hour drive to the airport seemed like you were on the road driving to the next state for a concert or going on vacation, the van was quiet as everyone was asleep trying to get a few more minutes of shut-eye. While you were asleep your head falls to the left side and lands on Namjoon's shoulder, then Namjoon's head falls to the right side and lands on top of your head. He wakes up for a quick second and glances over to you sound asleep, he takes your limp hand and places it on his hand to let you feel secure on the ride to the airport, before Namjoon goes back to sleep he kisses your head and whispers, "I love you (y/n)."

Arriving at the airport everyone wakes up and the boys gather their bags, trying to wake up you steer each boy in the direction of the airport and making sure they don't collapse from exhaustion. Their flight doesn't leave until 6 o'clock in the morning and it's only 5 o'clock, everyone sits down in the chairs and try to wake up with airport coffee, "This doesn't taste like your coffee (y/n)," Jin says in a half asleep, half awake voice, you chuckled, "We do have the best coffee in LA." Jungkook takes out his GoPro that he brought with him to record the few weeks that they spent in California, "So tell me the high and low points of your time in Los Angeles," he asks the members. Each member looked into the camera and shared their high and low points.

J-Hope: Um, high point has to be the Army. My low point has to be leaving the Army.

Jimin: High point: meeting (y/n). Low point: leaving (y/n).

Jin: A low point is leaving Los Angeles. High point is being around (y/n).

V: A high point is an experience we have received for all of you. A low point is leaving all of you.

Suga: Low point has to be leaving our new friend. But, my high point is meeting our new friend.

Jungkook: A high point is a wonderful experience that I got to be apart of and meeting all of our international Army. However, my low point is leaving them and leaving (y/n) because all of us can agree that she made us feel like normal people and forget that were idols.

Namjoon: Um, oh gosh, it's hard to pick. Okay, my high point is meeting this wonderful girl next to me and she has changed my life personally as she has brought warmth and fun energy into my life and around me. My low point is leaving her behind to go back home. I don't want to leave her, I just want to take her with us because she is a stress reliever to all of us and I don't want to go back home.

All of their comments make you tear up because you don't want them to leave either but they have to. Time goes by fast and the intercom sounds off to inform people which planes are boarding and about to take off, "Flight 62 from Los Angeles, California to Seoul, South Korea now boarding," the intercom announced. The boys get up and pick up their bags, Namjoon turn to you and take your hand, "Come on, time to say our final goodbyes," you stood up pouting as the sound of "final goodbyes" as you hated the thought of never seeing them again. "You're cute when you pout," he said which made you smile. We reached the hallway to the boys' flight and we all gathered in a group hug with tears streaming down our faces, "I'm gonna miss you guys," you say to break the sad silence. Namjoon looked up and took out his phone, "Group photo before he heads to the plane," everyone gathered by Namjoon and squeezed into the phone frame and takes a group photo, "One, two, three." A flight attendant emerged from the hallway and informed the boys that the flight is about to take off, "Bye (y/n)! We'll miss you. We love you," the boys were saying walking down the hallway, "Bye guys! Call me when you land in Seoul," you say waving to the boys as this is the last time you will ever see them.

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