Chapter 76- Hospital Visit

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The members rush to the hospital and ask the workers where you are staying. A nurse approaches them, "Can I help you gentlemen," Namjoon still in shock replies, "We're looking for (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Do you know where she is?" The nurse walks over to the front desk and types in your name, she looks up from the computer, "Is there any family relations," Hoseok walks up to the desk, "No. We're her friends," the nurse looks at him, "I'm sorry sir, only family members can visit Ms. (Y/N)." Yoongi pushes aside Hoseok, he talks to the nurse, "Ma'am these two boys right here are her cousins. They traveled two hours to get here," he points to Jungkook and Namjoon, the nurse nods, "Alright then, she's in room 301. I'll lead you to her." The nurse steps out from behind the desk and motions for the boys to follow, Namjoon turns around to Yoongi and mouths, "Thank you," Yoongi gives him the thumbs up.

The nurse points to the room and opens the door. They look in the room and see your sleeping figure in the bed, Jungkook stops the nurse from leaving, "Excuse me, ma'am. What happened," the nurse enters the room and grabs the clipboard with the information, she scans it. The nurse closes the clipboard and lays it down, "She claims that her boyfriend was drunk and accidentally punched her in the ribs," Namjoon steps in, "Anything else," the nurse looks back at the clipboard, "Yes. We took an X-Ray to check her ribs," she pulls out the X-Ray results and points to a certain spot, "If you look right here it appears that this rib has been broken before," Jungkook looks closer, "I don't see it." The nurse points to a discolored part on the X-Ray, "Right here you see this dull white part on her ribs," Jungkook nods, "It seems like this rib was broken before and healed on its own. Do you know how long her and her boyfriend have been together," Namjoon answers quickly, "Seven months." The nurse looks back at the rib, "That's good, because this amount of healing looks like it got broken 11 years ago," she slips the X-Ray back into the clipboard, "You may visit her," Jungkook enters the room as Namjoon stands at the door, he stops the nurse again, "Ma'am. Is there anything else that we should know about," the nurse looks back into the room, "On her left shoulder there's a massive bruise that could take months to heal, her boyfriend must have squeezed her shoulder good to prevent her from running if she tried," Namjoon looked down, "Thank you."

Namjoon joins Jungkook in the room and pulls a chair up next to the bed and takes your hand in his, he lays his head on the bed and starts to quietly sob at his stupid mistake. He looks up at your sleeping face, "I should've said no to the bar," Jungkook looks at him, "Why's that," he looks over at Jungkook at the other side of the bed, "I don't think she was ready to see me drunk. You know what I'm really like when I'm drunk but this... this was different. I was angry for some unknown reason." Jungkook walks over to Namjoon, "It's okay. You couldn't control yourself," Namjoon plants his head in his hands, "Or I should have did what she did and that was to get water instead of beer. I'm such an idiot," Jungkook hugs Namjoon, "It's going to be okay. She's strong." Jungkook's phone rings, "Jin's calling. They probably want an update, I'll be outside the room," Namjoon nods and continues to sob remembering the event very clearly, "I'm such an idiot. I should've let you go home. I should've listened to you. I'm so sorry."

After a couple of hours, Namjoon and Jungkook are both asleep as you regain conscience, you look around the room and notice Jungkook passed out on the couch, you smirk, "Cute." You drop your head to the left side of the bed and notice another sleeping body next to you, you run your fingers through his hair, "I'm not mad at you." The figure moves and wakes up slowly, you smile at him, "Hi." Namjoon wakes up completely at the sight of you, he stands up and hugs you tightly, you pound on his back, "You're hurting my shoulder," he releases you and sits back down, "I'm so sorry for what I did. I'm an idiot, I should've said no and I wasn't thinking, and..." you raise your hand up stopping him mid-sentence, "Stop. It's not your fault, it's mine." Jungkook falls off the couch and wakes himself up, he looks around the room in confusion, "Wha-", both of you laugh at him, Jungkook looks over at you, "(Y/N), you're awake." He lingers over to the bed and runs his fingers through your hair, "Are you good," you nod, "Fighting," they both reply, "Fighting." You look around the room again, "How did you two get in here," Namjoon interlaces his fingers with yours, "Yoongi told the nurse that we're your cousins," you laugh, "Nice job Yoongi."

Namjoon kept trying to hide his sadness behind a smile but kept failing to, you notice his red puffy eyes. You shake his hand as he looks up at you, "Have you been crying the whole time," he sits up and wipes more away, "I wasn't crying. I haven't slept since the bar incident," you brush his hair and pout, "That's a lie. You're mad at yourself for punching me," he starts to well up again with tears, you squeeze his hand, "That's in past now, don't dwell on the past. Plus, I know what you're really like drunk," he shoots his head up, "What?" Jungkook starts to snicker as you look at him, "Kookie over here sent me a video months ago of you and the others drunk. You're really cute when you're drunk," Namjoon blushed.

Jungkook sits back down and questions one thing that's been on his mind, "Hey (y/n). Can I ask you something," you look at Jungkook, "Sure. What is it," he drops his head down, "I don't really want to change subjects but I was questioning what the nurse told up earlier about your rib," you slowly push yourself up, "What about my rib," you look at Namjoon with confusion. Namjoon intervenes, "The nurse showed us an X-Ray of your rib and it showed some discoloration on one side of your rib. Apparently, about 11 years ago your rib was broken before and healed on its own," you slam your head back on the pillow hearing the rest of the story, Namjoon continues, "Now give or take a few you would've been 10 years old at the time. I punched you in the same spot and rebroke it, didn't I?" You look at the ceiling and feel tears streaming out of your eyes, Jungkook stands up after hearing the story, "What happened exactly 11 years ago," you were crying so hard thinking on that day so Namjoon explained it, "Long story short, her father was really drunk one night and punched her in the exact same rib that I accidentally hit," Jungkook steps back in shock, "What? (Y/N), is that true," you nod and cry harder causing more pain to your rib, you scream out, "Ow! My rib, my rib," Namjoon stands up and lightly hugs you trying to calm you down.

The nurse walks in and hears you crying, she sees Namjoon hugging you, "Sir, please step away from her," he steps away and stands next to Jungkook. The nurse turns her attention to you, "Ma'am you need to calm down. Crying could cause more pain to your rib," you nod and try to calm down but unable to, the nurse grabs a syringe and injects it into your IV bag and watches the syrup seep into your vein. You slowly calm down and notice your eyes getting slightly heavy, the nurse helps lay you down as you fall asleep. Namjoon steps forward towards the nurse, "What did you just do," the nurse places the empty syringe in the trash can, "She wouldn't calm down so I injected codeine into her IV bag. If she would've continued to cry she could've made the pain more extreme," Jungkook asks concerningly, "What would be the worse case scenario," the nurse lets out a large sigh, "A sharp piece from the broken would've pierced an organ and would cause internal bleeding that would slowly kill her." Namjoon placed his hands on top of his head in shock, "Oh my gosh. How much longer is she going to stay," the nurse looked at your body sleeping soundly, "She'll be able to leave tomorrow. If you two are going to watch over her make sure she doesn't work and bend over, it'll cause more pain to her rib," with that advice the nurse leaves.

Jungkook looks at the clock, "Wow it's three in the morning already. We should go back to the others and head to the hotel," Namjoon looks at the clock as well, "You can go. I'm going to stay here with her," Jungkook grabs his phone and texts the others, "Are you sure," Namjoon nods, "Yeah. It's my fault anyways, I don't know if she'll forgive me for this." Jungkook walks over to the bed and takes your hand in his, "Feel better soon (y/n)," he raises your hand and lands a gentle kiss on it.

Namjoon looks around for any spare blankets and pillows to sleep with. He opens a closet door in the room and spots a blanket and pillow on the top shelf, taking the bedding in hand he spreads the blanket out to make a bed on the couch for the night. Removing his jacket he glances at you still sleeping from the dose of codeine in your veins, he walks over to the bed and gently lays the jacket over your exposed arms keeping them warm. "I hope you can forgive me (y/n) and if you want to break up with me, I'll understand," he leans in and plants a meaningful kiss on your forehead, he whispers, "I love you with all my heart." Heading to the couch he takes one last glance at you before laying down and falling asleep.

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