Chapter 81- The Future Starts Now

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The next morning you wake and see flowers at the end of your bed with a card attached: "I'm sorry about last night. I promise you that I will make it up to you. Love you~ Namjoon." You smile and smell the fresh roses the Namjoon bought for you. Leaving the bedroom you stop by his studio and quietly listen for any music coming from his studio, but nothing's playing. Continuing down the hallway you hear music coming from another room, you knock on the door and wait for a signal to enter the unknown room, "Come in," the voice called. Opening the door you look inside, "What are you doing," Jungkook looked up from his computer, "Recording a song," you smiled, "Okay. I never heard music coming from your room before," he smiled back. Before exiting the room you asked Jungkook one more thing, "Do you know where Namjoon is, he's not in his room or studio," Jungkook shook his head, "He might be on a walk, he likes to do that to clear his head and think," you nod, "Alright. Thanks!"

After an hour passes the door opens and Namjoon walks in with his dog, Rap Mon. You set down your phone as Rap Mon jumps up on the couch and sits down in your lap, you start petting him, "Hey baby boy, how are you. I've missed you so much," Rap Mon sits up and starts kissing you, you giggle, "Stop it." Namjoon sits down next to you and places his arm around you, "Good morning baby," you smile, "Morning. How was your walk," Namjoon looks at you in confusion, "How did you know," you point at Jungkook who just entered into the kitchen, "He told me." Namjoon lets out a big sigh, you smirk, "What? Are you tired already," he smirks back, "No. But I have stuff to do tonight," you lean back away from him, "Oh yeah? Like what?" Namjoon falls backward on the couch, "I can't tell you, it's top secret," you throw Rap Mon on top of him, "Tell me," he chuckles, "Top secret."

Later that night Namjoon knocked on your bedroom door, you answered, "Yes." Namjoon takes your hand in his, "Come to the roof with me, I wanna show you something," you raise an eyebrow at him, "What?"

Namjoon leads you out of the room and up some hidden stairs that access the roof, reaching the rooftop you hear music playing, it's Yoongi playing soft music on the piano, and then you notice a table under a white chiffon cloth intertwine around a metal pavilion that the members threw together. Jungkook approaches you two, he bows, "Mr. Namjoon your table is ready," you giggle at Jungkook, "What's going on?" Namjoon pulls out your chair and you take a seat, you look at the table setting; there are candles, rose petals, flowers in a vase, it's like a scene straight out of a movie. You question again, "What's going on," Namjoon looks around as well, "What do you think," you smile, "It's beautiful and all, but what's this about," he smirks, "Well I'm pretty sure I made you upset since I didn't spend time with you yesterday, so I'm making it up to you with this romantic dinner." You look at Namjoon and smile, "Oppa, you didn't have to do this," he smiled showing his dimples, "Yes I did."

Jin walks up to the table with two plates of food in his hands, he sets them down in front of us, "Two Filet Mignons for the lovely couple. Enjoy." You laugh as Jin walks away, "Where are we at, Eat Jin the restaurant," Namjoon laughs. Taking a bite from the steak your eyes widen, "Woah! This is like, the best steak I've ever had," Namjoon does the same thing. After the meal, Jin takes the plates away as Jimin sets down Caramel Bread Pudding to share for the both of you, Jimin bows after setting the plate down, "Enjoy."

Finishing the dessert plate Jimin takes it from the table, you lean forward and take in the night sky view, "That stars look really pretty tonight," Namjoon looks up as well, "Yeah, they are." Later Jungkook stood next to Yoongi's piano and got everyone's attention, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Namjoon has requested a special song for me to perform for (Y/N). Please enjoy my cover song, 'Nothing Like Us.'"

When the song finished Namjoon leaned over, "That's why I was so busy yesterday, I was helping Jungkook put this cover together," you smile, "I understand now." With the mood set to a beautiful point Namjoon stood up and looked at you, "(Y/N), I need to ask you something," you look up at him in confusion, "What is it?" Namjoon reached into his pocket and removes a black velvet box, then slowly he got down on one knee, "(Y/N), ever since I met you, you've changed me in big ways that I can't even explain. I never thought that I would be here right now with you by my side, but the world works in mysterious ways that we can't explain. I love you with all my heart and nothing can ever change it, and nothing can come between us. I promised you a better future with me and I knowing you for two years, I think tonight is the best night to do this. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?"

You cover your face and start to cry, Namjoon starts rubbing your forearm, "(Y/N), what do you say?" Removing your hands from your face you stare into his sparkling brown eyes, "Yes!" Namjoon picked you up and hugged you tightly, then set you down he gave you a passionate kiss while the members all yell and cheer congratulating you two. Anna puts her phone away and starts clapping with the others, "Finally! Two long years and he finally asks you," the boys laugh and agree. Namjoon removes the promise ring and replaces it your new ring, an engagement ring, you smile at the ring then at him, "I can't believe it, our future's starting."

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