Chapter 15- Attempt #1: Failed (Time skip)

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Three months go by since you sent the video message to the boys in Seoul. You had a stressful week at work and all you want to do is collapse of your bed and sleep for hours. You enter your apartment heading straight for the kitchen to make dinner to recover from your busy shift at the shop. Gathering ingredients for dinner the phone rings, you read the screen: Namjoon wants to FaceTime. You lean the phone on a utensil holder and answer.

Me: Hello!

Namjoon: Oh, hello. *embarrassed* I didn't think you would answer. *he laughs* Um, I had Hobi go out and buy you a present, you'll really like it.

Me: Oh really? What's my present? *in a flirty manner*

Namjoon: My lips are sealed. *zipping his lips* It shall arrive in a few days or weeks, whichever comes first? *laughs*

Me: Oh come on. Don't build the suspense right now.

Namjoon: *laughs at you* We all wanted to get you a present but sending you seven of them seems a little extreme. So, we decided to get one present and we all chipped in money for it.

Me: I feel like a princess. *flips hair backward*

Namjoon: Um, (y/n). I want to tell you something that I didn't get the chance to say, um. *Hoseok walks in*

Hoseok: What were you about to say? *laughs* Were you going to tell her what we said?

Namjoon: *focused on Hoseok* I was about to tell (y/n) but now I can't because you walked in. Talk about bad timing, again.

Hoseok: Sorry, but I got the present in my hand. *showing the envelope*

Namjoon: With you in here now, I don't think I can tell (y/n) now. It's awkward now.

Me: *Interrupting the conversation* Hello, earth to boys! What are you talking about, what were you about to tell me?

Namjoon: *focuses back to you* Hobi convinced me to say something important to you. But, um, it's kind of hard now since he's in here. *pointing to Hobi*

Hoseok: Just tell her. I know you can do it. *leans up against Namjoon* He knows how to act confident but when it comes to you he gets shy.

Namjoon: *smacks Hoseok in the gut* Get out of here. I don't act shy around (y/n), that's so not me. *trying to act cool and tough*

Me: Oh really? *lightbulb goes off* Can you act cool and tough if I did this? *you make a heart with your hands*

Namjoon: *blushes intensely*

Hoseok: Aw! You got him. Look at our leader being a soft guy.

Namjoon: Ah! I'm not soft, I just didn't expect it. Get out of here. *swatting Hoseok away like a fly*

Hoseok: Alright I'll go. Bye (y/n)! *blows a kiss to the camera*

Me: Bye Hobi! *waving at him through the screen* Anyways, what were you two talking about? What were you going to say to me before Hobi walked in?

Namjoon: *looks down* Ugh, I don't think I can tell you any more. I kind of want to see your reaction in person but that's probably never going to happen. *looks down again*

Me: *pouts* Joonie... don't get upset. I miss you so much. *Namjoon looks up* I'm kind of saving up some money for a surprise to send to you but that's going to take a while.

Namjoon: What's the surprise? I want to know.

Me: Not saying. My lips are sealed *zipping my lips shut* I'm about to eat then head to bed.

Namjoon: Alright I'll let you go. Good night (y/n)! *smiles brightly*

Me: Good night Namjoon!

The call ended and you sit down thinking to yourself, what was he going to tell me? Eating dinner you keep thinking about it and the present that Namjoon was going to send, what could it be?

A couple of weeks pass by and you receive a call from the front desk, "Good morning miss (y/n). You have mail downstairs." You head downstairs to the front and greet the manager, "Hey, I'm here for the mail," he hands you the mail from your mailbox and smiles to brighten up the day. Reaching your door you flip through the mail, "Bills, bills, more bills, Namjoon, random... wait for a second," you flip back a couple of envelopes, "Namjoon?" You withdraw the envelope with Namjoon's name on the return address and stare at it, "Could this be my present? Oh, what if I record my reaction and send it him," and ran to your room and grab your phone. You open up the camera and switch it to a video, "Hey, I got the present! Let's see what it is," nervously you open the envelope and close your eyes, it's long and skinny, what is it? You take it out and open your eyes, "Oh my gosh! I can't believe it. You guys d-," examining the present you choke on your words, "I can't believe you guys," you start to tear up, "I love you guys," you flip the present over showing it to the camera, "See you guys in Seoul!" Ending the video you stare at the plane ticket in amazement, these boys all chipped in money to buy you a plane ticket to Seoul, South Korea; the crazy thing is that you were saving up money to buy the ticket yourself to surprise them. Coincidence, I think so, you think to yourself. After staring at the ticket you send the video the boys thanking them for the surprise and you call Anna to share the news.

Anna: Hello?

Me: Guess who's going to South Korea! *screaming into the phone*

Anna: What?!? OMG! Did you save up enough money to go?

Me: Actually... they boys all chipped in money and send it to me as a surprise. I just now got it and Namjoon sent it to me a couple of weeks ago.

Anna: Oh I wish I was going with you. I want to go to Seoul with you. I would love to see the sites and the buildings.

Me: Please honey. The only site seeing you would be doing is Jungkook.

*Both of you laugh hysterically*

Anna: You right, you right. Take lots of pictures for me and let me know what happens.

Me: You got it, girl. I'll make sure to take pictures of Jungkook as well for you.

Anna: You are a lifesaver. Wait how long are you staying?

Me: Um... let me look, I think the ticket says. Let's see, oh wow.

Anna: What does it say? Tell me!

Me: Two weeks. *you smile excitingly*

Anna: When do you leave?

Me: Friday morning at 6 a.m.

Anna: A couple of days, wow. Well, don't worry about taking your car, I will chauffeur you to the airport superstar.

Me: Alright then. We'll talk about pick up time tomorrow. Bye!

You lay on the couch still in disbelief thinking about the flight to Seoul and how sweet the guys are for getting you the greatest gift known to man. Later that night, you start to pack your bags even though you don't leave until Friday morning, but you were so eager to get it done early you made a checklist to make sure you have everything packed and ready to go.

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