Chapter 33- Birthday Surprise (Time skip)

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The sun filled your bedroom with warm brightness, you wake up and stretch your arms out like a cat waking up from a nap. Swinging your legs out you hear a noise in the living room, what was that, you walk slowly into your living room. "Surprise! Happy birthday (y/n)," Anna jumps out from behind the kitchen counter, you jump in shock, "What the." Anna comes and gives you a big bear hug, "Happy 22nd birthday sis," you hug Anna back, "You did this for me? Thank you," you and Anna walk to the kitchen where a cake and presents are lined up for you. "I love the decorations. Wait, how did you get into my apartment," you look in amazement and confusion, "You gave me an extra key remember," Anna says pushing the presents toward you, you widen your eyes for a dramatic effect, "For me? You shouldn't have," Anna laughs, "Presents for the queen." Opening a present you take out the gift, "No way, you got me this," it's a lose long sleeve gray shirt, new black jeggings, two-inch black booties, a black choker with a heart pendant, and a black beanie. "I had a picture of Namjoon in the same outfit. He's a great inspiration for your outfits," you hug Anna and thank her, "Not yet, one more gift," you look at a small gift bag and open it, "Why is there a heart ornament in here," Anna laughs at your confusion, "You'll see."

Anna and you both have the day off to celebrate your birthday and so far it's incredible. "That movie was great don't you think," Anna asks, you nod and rub your stomach, "But I am hungry," Anna rubs her stomach as well, "Same here. Lunch?" You get in Anna's car and drive to West Hollywood, "In-n-Out," Anna asks, you laugh, "Totally. Nothing says happy birthday than a greasy burger," you both laugh and get out of the car. After ordering your burgers you two sit and talked about plans for today, "What else do you want to do," Anna wonders, you tilt your head to the side, "Um, I don't know. We haven't gone to the beach in a while, we could do that," Anna nods her head, "Sounds like a plan."

Waiting for the burgers to arrive people from the streets wave at you and try to get your attention, "Uh no, looks like am the megastar now," you joke, Anna laughs, "Oh yeah, I forgot you were on KCAL-TV. Why didn't you tell me you were going to be interviewed," you look away, "I didn't want to tell you because I needed to prepare my mind. I didn't want you to psych me out and I ditch the interview," Anna nods, "I understand, I would have made a big deal out of it. But I'm glad you did it, you did sound professional," you smile, "Thanks. It wasn't easy I can tell you that," Anna replied, "Yeah, I could tell. When Tom brought up the first photo of you and Namjoon I could tell you felt uncomfortable just by watching you adjust yourself in the chair." The food arrived finally and the conversation came to an end.

Heading home to your apartment Anna follows you, "I forgot my sunglasses," you nod and head up the stairs. Reaching your floor you notice a small trail of rose petals leading to your door, "Why are there rose petals leading to my door," you look back at Anna who shrugs her shoulder, you reach the door and see a piece of paper taped to it, "An even bigger present is waiting inside for you, birthday girl. From 1 year," you look back at Anna who now has her phone out, "What are you doing," she smiles, "I'm recording you," you look at her in confusion, "What does 'From 1 year' mean?" Anna suggests you open the door slowly, you do exactly what she says, opening the door slowly the trail of rose petals continue.

Looking into the living room you freeze and drop your bag, tears start to flow down your face slowly, Anna walks in front of you to get a better angle, "What is it? What's the big present," you run and jump into someone's arms who embraces your exciting impact, "I can't believe you're here. What are you doing here," the present sets you down gently, "I asked for a week off and they gave it to me. So I thought, 'Why not come to Los Angeles.' Here I am, the best present for a special girl." You still can't believe it, "This is the best present by far," you hug the present again, "I can't believe you're here. I've missed you... Namjoon," he embraces the hug again, "I love you (y/n)," you hug him even tighter, "I love you too." Anna moves to get another good angle, "This is what the heart ornament represented," you look at Anna in shock, "No. How did you get him here," Anna stops the video, "I may or may not have picked up a few extra shifts to cover a plane ticket," you remove yourself from Namjoon and give Anna a meaningful hug, "Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you!"

Still in shock Namjoon gives you another hug, "I've missed you so much," you embrace his hug, "I've missed you too. I can't believe it's been a whole year since I left Seoul," Namjoon kisses your head, "It's been hard, but I'm here." Anna sits on a kitchen stool and watches the both of you, "I feel like I'm watching a real-life romance movie. Aw, so touching," you laugh, "I still can't believe you pulled this off without me finding out. I'm very impressed," you applaud Anna as she takes a bow, Namjoon laughs at the silliness. "What else were you going to do today," Namjoon asks leaning back on the couch, Anna answers, "We had plans to go to the beach. You in," Namjoon covers his face, "I didn't pack swim trunks," you remove his hand from his face, "Don't worry, we can get you some. We'll take you to a swim shop and buy you a pair," he nods, "Okay."

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