Chapter 73- Fun Times (Time skip)

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A few months pass as the boys were able to get time off from promoting their new album for Japan and taking a break before they start their new one for Korea. They boys decided to come to you in Los Angeles instead of asking you to fly a day to Seoul, stay a while, then fly back to Los Angeles.

"What do you guys want to do first," you ask while sitting in Jungkook and Taehyung's room with the other members. Hoseok got an idea, "Beach day," we all agree on the idea, you respond, "Okay, beach day it is. You guys change and I'm gonna run home and change as well. Meet me at my place when you guys are done." You leave the hotel and drive home to change into your swimsuit and wait for the boys to arrive.

A few minutes later they arrive in their rental van and you meet them in the parking lot. Jimin jumps out and opens the door for you, as you turn the corner to the van Jimin freezes in position, you look at him confused, "What? Something wrong," he unfreezes, "Uh, no. It's just... you look really beautiful." You look down at the ground and smile, "Thanks. You look good too," getting into the van the others do the same thing, "Wow, (y/n). You look amazing," said Hoseok, you smile again, "Thanks Hoseok, I bought it a few days ago."

Arriving at the beach everyone sets up a spot with beach umbrellas, blankets, food for later, and other things. Looking over the ocean blue you take a deep breath inhaling the ocean breeze as the others run off towards the water but Yoongi stays back and lays in the shade. Watching the boys you can't help but laugh at Namjoon and Jungkook, "What are they doing? Looking for gold," Yoongi looks at them, "No. Namjoon is trying to catch a crab and Jungkook is helping him," you giggle, "I forgot. He loves catching crabs." Spending a day at the beach is the best thing to do with friends to enjoy the day with you, playing around with the boys in the water you can't help but notice Yoongi still in the shade watching everyone else. You leave the boys in the ocean and head up to Yoongi, he acknowledges your present while sleeping, "What? Did you get tired of the water already," you kneel next to him, "No, but it would be a lot better if you join us," he sits up and looks at you, "I'm good, I like the shade," you pout at him, "But it's no fun without you and your cute pterodactyl scream." Yoongi looks away and chuckles, "You know you're cute when you pout," you smile as he stands up and starts walking towards the ocean, you follow not far behind him as the boys yell in excitement as Yoongi approaches them.

Hours go by as everyone starts to get tired and heading back to the spot, Jin yawns aloud, "I don't know about you guys but I'm tired and hungry," everyone agrees, you name a local place in between your place and the boys hotel, "There's this place called Baroo. It's a Korean restaurant," the boys ponder on the option, you add in, "They have Kimchi Fried Rice Hoseok," he widens his eyes, "I'm sold!"

After eating at Baroo the boys park in complex's parking lot to drop you off, Namjoon stops you before your exit the van, "Do you want me to stay with you," you smile at him, "No, it's okay. Your stuff is back at the hotel and you have the guys, stay with them." They pull out waving goodbye at you as you do the same. Entering the apartment you lay your stuff down and head to the bathroom to shower yourself off from all the beach sands and ocean salt covering your body and hair. While in the shower you think to yourself, today was a fun day. I wonder what tomorrow holds?

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