Chapter 84- On The Hunt

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Driving endlessly through the town Jin looks up and down the sidewalk, up the street, and down the allies looking for any sign of you. Lost in his own thoughts, he thinks, "Come on (y/n), where are you?"

Meanwhile, you walk with no intentions of a destination. People brush past you as you look at them with insanity in your eyes. Some people stop and ask you questions but you ignore them and keep walking.

Turning down an ally to get away from the citizens of Seoul, you accidentally shoulder check a dude in a black hoodie, the man looks back at you while his friend grabs you by the forearm. The unknown man looks at you, "Hey baby girl, that wasn't nice. Say you're sorry because I don't wanna hurt a pretty girl like yourself." Avoiding eye contact with the dude he grabs your chin and forces you to look at him, "I said, say your sorry or do you really want me to hurt you," with a smirk on your face you gaze into his dark black eyes, "Do your worst," and with those words you spit in his face. The man whips his face and punches you in the stomach with a brutal force, with a holler you fall to the ground grabbing your midsection. His friend picks you back up, the guy grabs your face, "Say you're sorry and I'll quit." While his friend holds your arms behind your back you use his strength against the fighter, lifting your body into the air you double kick the fighter in the chest pushing him back. With the fighter on the ground, you scream with the air that you have left in your body, "Help me!" The restrainer covers your mouth, you turn to your defense mode and lick the restrainers hand, he removes his hand from your mouth and shakes it, "Gross!" You twist your body out from his grip and sprint towards the street, looking back at them you unknowingly end up in the street, a car horn was blaring snapping you back to reality. Dodging the high-speed car you fell backward still in the road, all the cars and the people stop in their tracks and look at you.

Looking at the people staring at you whispering to each other you whip your head back and forth at all of them with distress resonating from your body. Sitting in the street still, you draw your legs towards your body and start shaking at the near-death experience you've encountered. An innocent woman slowly approached you and crouched in front of you, she starts speaking to you but unfortunately, you don't know Korean. While looking at the woman with despair in your eyes you hear someone calling your name, "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Turning towards the voice you see a man in the distance waving at you, your beaten face shows a smile, "Jin?" Focusing on the man you see his handsome face, you jump up and run towards him, "Jin!" He opens up his arms and waits for you to crash into his arms, meeting Jin's arms you began to cry terribly. Your body starts to feel heavy, Jin slowly lowers himself towards the ground as you follow his movement. Jin starts to stroke your long hair and whisper, "I got you. Thank God you're safe, we're all so worried," you slow down your heavy breathing and calm yourself down, "Where're the others?" Jin lifts you up and brushes your hair out of your face, "At home. I came looking for you alone. Come on, the cars over there."

Entering the car you let out a big yawn, Jin smiles, "I'm glad you're safe." You stare out the window and start rubbing your side, pulling up to a stop light Jin notices your action, "Did you hurt yourself again?" Looking over at him you can see the concern on his face, "I didn't do it, two dudes did it. I accidentally shoulder checked a guy down an alley and he punched me for not saying 'sorry'." Jin drove a little bit further after the stop light, he pulled the car over and placed it in park. You look at him, "Why are we stopping," Jin took his hands off the steering wheel and shifted himself towards you, "I know this whole wedding planning is killing you and everything but I think it's good to step back for a few days before planning again. I mean just look at what happened moments ago, you almost got ran over." You look down with pity, "I'm sorry. I wish Namjoon would have stepped back from his computer and helped when I asked him. But I know music is his life so I should have stepped back and waited for a better opportunity to ask him." Jin started to rub your back, "It's not your fault. Our schedules have been crazy busy since the beginning of April and we knew that, don't think this is your fault. Plus, it's great that you've been with us since we met you, you help us calm down when we get stressed and frustrated." You finally make eye contact with him, "And that's what Namjoon was trying to do with me, he was trying to calm me down like how I calm you guys down. Gosh, I'm such an idiot." Jin pulls you closer to him and comforts you with a meaningful hug, "Don't beat yourself up," you pull yourself away and give him a stupid look, "Really... was that joke really necessary?" Jin restarted the car and drove off again towards the house, "I think you should sleep, we'll be home soon," you nod and close your eyes to get some rest.

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