Chapter 87- The Big Day (Time skip)

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The new morning awakens as you are woken up by the man of your dreams. "Good morning sweetheart, today's the day," Namjoon said with a bright smile on his lips. You sat up and scratched the back of your neck, "Morning. I'm nervous about today." He sits down on the bed and gives you concerning eyes, "Why are you nervous?" Shaking your head, you reply, "About today and all. What if something goes wrong? What if people don't show up?" Namjoon rested his hand on your shoulder, "Don't stress yourself out, you should be happy! Nothing will go wrong and the people we invited will show up. All that matter is your happiness and our families being there." You smiled, "True."

In the mid-afternoon, your stylists came into your hotel room to get you ready. The hair stylist opened up her cases, "Are you ready?" You gave her a nervous smile, "Not really, I'm scared." The makeup artist set out her kits, she smiled, "Don't be nervous. If anything, you have the best man in the world." Anna was there as well, she was laying on the bed and popped up her head, "Yeah! If you didn't love him then why would you marry him? He loves you and you love him, it's a match made in heaven!" You laughed, "You girls are so weird." After you got your hair and makeup done they all helped you get into your dress with no mess appearing, thank the Lord!

Finally, around 5 pm you got into the limo and drove off to the wedding location. Pulling up to the location Namjoon was standing outside the with his back turned to you talking to the other members. Exiting the car you stayed silent until Jungkook broke the silence, "Noona, you look beautiful." You blushed at them, "Namjoon, are you ready to see me?" Namjoon stood straight up with his back turned to you still, "I don't know," he took a deep breath, "Okay, now I am." The boys started a countdown, "Three, two, one... turn around." Namjoon turned around slowly when he sees you, he grabbed his heart and lowered himself towards the ground, "Uh! The sheer beauty of the princess is messing with my heart!" You laughed at him and lowered yourself as well, "This princess is about to be a queen soon. You look very handsome, more than usual."

Slowly reaching 7 pm the guests arrive at the location, family, friends, and staff members showed up. Sitting in your waiting room you start pacing back and forth taking in deep breaths, "I'm so nervous. I don't think I can do this." Anna stood in front of you placing both hands on your shoulders, "Would you stop psyching yourself out? Every bride goes through this nervous stage before they walk down the idle. Once they starting walking down they calm themselves down and know that they made the right chose." A smile forms on your lips, "You're right Anna, I need to stop psyching myself out. Thank you for being there for me, through thick and thin. You're like the sister I've never had." The backup wedding planner enters the room, "Anna the maids are about to walk down. Come on!" Exiting the room you follow behind Anna and the planner to the doors of the location. As Anna walks through the doors the planner stands next to you, "I can't believe it! It's almost time!" With a smirking look on your face, you close your eyes and think of all the great memories you had with Namjoon, even the bad memories too. Shaking your head you say to yourself, I am ready to do this.

The doors open wide as you slowly step into the venue, everyone rose from their seats and watched you with gleams in their eyes. Walking down the isle you can hear the faint whispers from the guests. Looking only at Namjoon you see him with tears in his eyes, you start to blush at him. Reaching the front you step up on the steps and face Namjoon with the biggest smile on your face, you whisper, "Don't you dare cry." Namjoon chuckles and wipes his eyes, "It might be too late." The Justice centered himself and continued on with the wedding.

With the wedding coming to a conclusion Namjoon and you were officially Mr. and Mrs. Namjoon, now this was the life that Namjoon promised you half a year ago. The reception was lively and loud with music playing and lights flashing in a crazy manner. Songs after songs were playing until the DJ brought the music down an caught the crowd's attention, "Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for the Bride and Groom to take their first dance as a married couple. They will be dancing to Butterfly by none other than BTS." Namjoon stood up from his chair and places his hand out as an offer for you, "Care to dance? Mrs. Namjoon." You blushed and took his hand, he leads you to the middle of the dance floor and started to dance the night away. After the dance finished the music kicked back up and everyone huddled around the dance floor and danced the rest of the night away like there was no tomorrow.

The reception was getting crazy and loud so you and Namjoon decided to take a stroll towards a lake dock and sat down on a bench. Sitting on the bench you lean down and remove your silver sparkle heels, you let out a sigh of relief, "That's A LOT better!" Namjoon remained standing and laughed at you, "Why did you wear heels? That's so not you." Taking a shoe in hand you smack him in the stomach, "Shut up! You don't know what it's like wearing heels, only Taehyung and Hobi knows." He laughs again, "You're right." Still sitting on the bench Namjoon takes a seat next to you, "I say tonight was successful." You smile and look at the moon, "Yeah, it was." Laying your head on Namjoon shoulder you sigh, "I'm just glad it's over, and that I finally have you." He blushes, "I'm glad I have you too." Removing your head from his shoulder you look down, "We just have one more problem to face." Namjoon tilted his head sideways, "What do you mean?" Looking at him you frown, "Am I supposed to leave Los Angeles and live in Seoul or still do this back and forth deal?" Namjoon wrapped his long arms around you, "Don't worry about it right now, we'll address it later." After the long conversation, both you and Namjoon returned to the reception party and danced the rest of the night away.

When the night came to a conclusion you two returned to the hotel and changed into pajamas. Namjoon let out a big yawn, "I'm so tired. I think the wedding drained the life out of me." You followed up with a yawn as well, "Same here. I think I'm just gonna sleep now." Namjoon leans over to you and landed multiple kisses on your lips, "Good night my sweet queen." You smiled back before closing your eyes, "Good night my handsome king." Resting your head on the pillow and began to sleep. From now on you are no longer Ms. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), you are now Mrs. (Y/N) Namjoon.

[A/N: Sorry is the wedding was a bit off, my computer is getting taken up by the school soon so I had to wrap it up. But I hope you loved it!] 

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