Chapter 27- Advice

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A few weeks pass and Anna has been trying everything she can think of to get you out of the on again off again mood swing. Anna's been bringing comedy movies, your favorite food, stuffed animals with cute messages, and literally anything you like; none of them are working, happy (y/n) one second then depressed (y/n) the next. "You need to get out of this swing, be happy. You promised Namjoon that you would, you're not keeping the promise," Anna lightly slaps your face, you look away, "Promises aren't meant to be kept, even if you swear it," Anna notices you messing with your pointer finger, "What are you doing?" You stop rubbing your finger and show her what's on your finger, "It's just this," Anna leans closer, "When did you get a ring," you stare deeply at the ring, "The guys got it for me on my last night in Seoul. Their initials are engraved in it," Anna removes the ring from your finger, "That's beautiful (y/n). You're so lucky to have rich friends like that." She hands the ring back, "Not really, they all chipped in money for it. I wouldn't call them 'rich' more like 'save money for a rainy day'," you say placing the ring back on your finger, Anna gets up and motions for your hands, "We can't sit here all day, let's go do something, just you and I, something we never done before," you look confused, "What haven't we done," Anna pounders on the thought, "Uh, we haven't gone to a music festival, we haven't been to a concert that's not BTS, we haven't had a girls night out. What's happening tonight, let's check out online." Both of you head for the computer to see what's going on in LA tonight, waking up the computer a notification pops up, Watch RM's VLive now. "Looks like Namjoon is streaming, should we check it out," Anna asks, you shrug your shoulders, "I don't care," Anna clicks on the notification and the link takes you to VLive, "Let's just watch and not comment," you say pulling up a chair, Anna makes the screen bigger, "Sound's good. Just watch and not talk."

Anna and you stare at the computer screen for hours watching Namjoon's stream, he's in the middle of a Q&A and questions keeps rolling every millisecond. Anna is fascinated by the questions, "I know I don't speak Korean and all but woah, those questions are rolling in faster than the flash," you smirk at the analogy, "I want to learn Korean just so I can understand what the guys say when I'm spying on them," Anna looks at you, "Why are you spying on the guys," you look at her with an innocent face, "Well, sometimes in their conversations I hear my name mentioned and I just get curious, that's all." Anna nods and focuses back on the screen, "Well, some of these are in English," you nod and point at the screen, "Yeah cause he's fluent in English as well as Japanese," Anna's jaw drops, "What, he's fluent in Japanese too," you give her a dumb look, "I thought you knew that already. You're the one who introduced me to BTS after they debuted," Anna widens her eyes, "I didn't know that I was still learning at the time," you give her another smirk look, "Sure, more like learning stuff about Jungkook."

Namjoon: *leans back in his chair* Alright, I'm taking one more question then I have to get some sleep. Make this one count, I'll wait. *Waits for a good question* Okay, I saw one that caught my attention, it reads 'How's life with (y/n)? Have you taken the big step yet? *Namjoon looks down and smiles* Uh, life with (y/n) is good, I miss her very much. She's back in Los Angeles if you didn't know, I haven't seen her in months.

Comment 1: I bet that's hard for you.

Namjoon: Yeah, it's hard. She's been depressed lately.

Comment 1: Oh no! Cheer her up, you have the charm.

Namjoon: *blushes* I know I have the charm for it but this is different. I want to make her happy, she was so bright and full of life when she was here in Seoul. Now, being away from her, it's taking a toll on my mind.

Comment 1: You really love her, don't you?

Namjoon: *rubs the back of his neck* Um... I guess you can say that. She's a part of me now, her being sad makes me sad. I want her to be bubbly again. I just need help with something that I've been thinking about lately.

Comment 2: What is it? We're here for you.

Namjoon: Thank you, I appreciate that. I've been thinking that I wanna ask (y/n) but I don't think she feels the same as I do.

Comment 2: What, that's crazy! Have you been drinking crazy water? She totally feels the same, I saw you two at 'Alice, into the Rabbit Hole' and she totally loves you. My eyes don't lie!

Namjoon: *blushes* I agree with that. There's a reason why I went live, I want to confess to her but I need advice on how to do that and not lose her if it goes wrong. Help me, please.

Comment 1: Well, you two are miles and miles apart so doing it face to face is out.

Comment 2: Make a video that she can keep forever. Anytime she feels sad or she misses you she can look back on the video and be happy again.

Namjoon: Um... that might work, uh, I don't know anymore. What if she lost interest already.

Comment 1&2: WHAT!!!! That's not true!

Comment 1: You said earlier that if she's sad it makes you sad. How does that read as 'she's lost interest already'. You're freaking Kim Namjoon! Any girl would want to be with you, hands down.

Namjoon: Ha. *smiles* But I think I need a backup plan in case the video doesn't work or I chicken out of it.

Comment 2: What about a song? Isn't BTS working on a new song? Make it about her, all you boys love her, right?

Namjoon: We do love her, and we are working on a new song. But it's about all the girls around the world, but I think I can convince the guys to put a little extra in there so it feels like it's (y/n) song. *nods his head in agreement* Okay, thank you Army for watching and helping me. Time for me to get some sleep, goodnight. *flashes his heart fingers*

The VLive ends, you and Anna drop to the floor in shock. "What was that all about," you break the silence, Anna replied, "I have no idea." Both of you sit up in unison, "What new song are they working on," Anna says with confusion in her voice, you stand up brushing off dust, "Beats me, I never ask." Anna stands up and bushes off dust as well, "Looks like we're gonna have to wait," you nod your head, "Plus, him being sad because of me is bad in my opinion. I don't want him to be worried about me and have it suffer their music." Anna lays on the couch stretched out wide taking up all the spots, "What's the plan for tonight anyways? We never decided," you move Anna's legs to make room for yourself, "Um, sleepover? We haven't done that in a while," you shrug, "Okay."

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