Chapter 8- Face The Music

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As the clock rolls on you refuse to leave your apartment but you have to for tonight's concert, you refuse to let the team down. "You know what? If the Army wants to spin a simple picture out of context then so be it. (Y/N), I believe there is a concert that you need to get ready for," saying with confidence in your sweet voice. Walking down to your car you keep calming yourself down with confident words in your mind, when you step through the entrance doors of the apartment there are Army fans hanging around the building taking pictures and videos of you calling your name and screaming like you're an idol to them, but you don't let them faze you no matter what they shout out to you to get your attention.

Pulling up to the Staples Center more fans by the thousands are barricaded by security guards still screaming your name and taking more photos and videos of you again trying to get your attention. All you do it glance over like nothing is going one and calmly tell yourself, "If these are going on the internet then so be it. I will live with it as long as nothing gets spun of control again," with the many words you think about there is still a dark part of your mind still thinking about the comments and photo of you and Namjoon.

Everything from the previous night is still in place so it was easy for you to find your dressing room. When you enter you find another bouquet of flowers on the table with balloons and cards attached, "Really guys. I feel like a queen," you say jokingly. Opening the cards you read them one by one blushing at all the sweet words written on the cards, getting to the last one a knock on the door is heard, "Come in," you say while reading. The manager walks in with a piece of paper in his hand, "(Y/N), quick change of plans. The boys want you to have a solo in tonight's performance," you look up with confusion, "Here let me explain. Instead of them singing 'DNA' they asked me to ask you, if you would like to dance to the song by yourself," even with the explanation you're still confused, "Wait, they want me to take center stage and dance to 'DNA' like how I do it on the corner?" The boys really decided to let you dance in front of millions of people versus dancing in front of 20 or so people on the corner where you're comfortable.

The concert is going crazy, Army fans singing along, dancing along, screaming their names, and there's you on the stage with them trying to hide your face from the billions of people in attendance. The last song 'Mic Drop' has just ended and you are out of breath by the heat of the dances then the crowd goes silent by Namjoon's hand up in the air, "Army! This last song is not going to be performed by us but is going to be performed by one of our backup dancers, (y/n). So Army please give her your undying love for her that we all have for her." Jungkook motions you to take center stage to show the world what you have to offer, an uneasy feeling is taking over your body and mind, "I don't think I can do this. Please don't make me do this. I've never done this in front of millions of people," when you take the stage the men back up to give you room, still uneasy Jungkook whispers in your ear, "Don't worry, just pretend your on the corner dancing in front of the 20 plus people or just think your in the studio with us practicing." When you turn away from the crowd to calm yourself down the men give you a thumbs up for good luck and they blow a kiss and your direction, it's time to face the music.

The last note ends to 'DNA' and as soon as you take a bow the billion of Army fans erupt into excitement at what they just witnessed, over the crowd you yell to them, "Thank you Army!" Turning to the men they run up and give you a big group hug and complimenting you on winning over the Army. Namjoon takes your hand and leans over, "You were amazing like always. I knew you could it, I never lost faith in you," with a blush on your face the other members are teasing Namjoon with the aegyo that he's giving you, "Aw, would you look at those two, so cute. What do you have to say about that Army," J-Hope asks the people in the Staples Center, waiting to see what their reaction was going to be you hide behind Namjoon because you don't want the fans to hate you and him, silence falls over the arena then in one large sweep of emotion the fans all yell in awe that the leader of BTS is into you. "Wait, what? They're not booing us," you say in amazement, the others pull you out from behind Namjoon and holds your hand in the air as the crowd erupts into excitement even more. While the crowd is erupting into excitement you can't help but think, I don't need to be afraid anymore, the Army loves me.

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