Chapter 6- Concert

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Relaxing in your apartment thinking about tonight you keep running through your head about earlier this morning and what Namjoon said about the Army fans. I can't let what Namjoon said about the Army get to me. Think about tonight, your conscience said. Surfing around YouTube you get the idea to run through the songs, practice makes perfect; when you get off your couch and move the furniture around to make space in your living room, the phone buzzes, Anna sent you a picture with the words "Urgent" in all caps. You open the text to see that the picture is Namjoon standing in front of you wiping your tears away from earlier today.

Me: Where did you find this picture?

Anna: I found it on Twitter and again on Instagram. Is that RM and you?

Me: Yeah that's us, but what the heck?

Anna: You have some explaining to do. What is going on in this picture?

Me: Okay. Long story short, I cried over something that was hard hitting and he saw me crying and all he did was wiped them away. That's all, no more no less.

Anna: Okay you'll have to give me the full story later but by the looks of this it looks like RM just finished kissing you. Wait, after he dried your tears did he kiss you? I'm sorry but I think you two would make a cute couple.

Me: No! He did not kiss me! The only reason I cried was that he said, "If I could control the Army I would by having them see me as an actual human being instead of a huge megastar."

Anna: Oh wow. I would cry because of that, that's deep man.

Me: See! My point exactly. Anyways gotta go, concert tonight. Can't be late, talk to you tomorrow!

Entering the Staples Center you breath leaves your body, is this really happening? Looking around the massive building two men jump out from behind cable boxes, unexpectedly you jump as high as the Empire State Building and run outside like a murder is right behind you. After composing your mind and body you re-enter the building and scream at the top of your lungs, "Hope! Jungkook! You are totally dead!" The men jump up from laughing on the floor and take off like a bullet train, chasing them around the building like three little kids they take a sharp right turn and enter a room that reads, "BTS's dressing room". Reading the sign you give an evil worthy laugh and yell, "You two are gonna get it! Don't think I'm gonna forget because I'm going to get revenge on you two," turning about the corner you ram into Namjoon and fall backward from his enormous mass. "I'm sorry (y/n), I didn't mean to knock you down. Here let me help you up," taking his hand you rub your back that hit the cold concrete ground, "Thanks. It was really my fault I wasn't looking. I was too busy trying to kill J-Hope and Jungkook," he laughs at your anger for the boys as he knows what they did to you for wanting to murder them. "Don't kill them now, wait at least before you do it. What you need to do is go get changed for tonight," you shake your head and walk away to go find your dressing room to get ready.

When you find the door to your dressing room there is a sign on the door that reads, "(Y/N)'s dressing room." Twisting the doorknob you search around like the room is a crime scene, what to evidence do you need to collect first? On the table, in the middle of the room, there are two bouquets of flowers, red roses, and yellow-orange Hibiscus. Examining the two bouquets of flowers you find cards attached to the vases, you open the Hibiscus card and read it aloud, "Can't be any more prouder for you sis. Dance your heart out tonight, I'll be watching you from home. Love Anna," a big smile takes over your beautiful face. Glancing at the blood red roses you open the card that was attached to the vase, "I'm glad I meet you yesterday. You allowed me to feel like a normal person and I can't thank you enough for that. Let's have fun tonight! Kim Namjoon," the smile on your face is accompanied by blushing at the site of the sweet heartfelt card written by Namjoon.

A knock on the door snaps you out of meditation state as it was the manager see if you're ready to take the stage. "Miss (y/n), are you ready? We're waiting for you," you look over with a blank stare on your face, "Oh, yeah. Lead me to the stage please." Walking side by side with the manager he can feel the nervousness resonating off your body, he stops and gives you a hug to flush the nerves away, "You are going to do great, just imagine the audience as the crowd you get on the corner, alright?" A couple of minutes remain before you take the stage with highly popular K-pop band, they all look over and know your presence. Taehyung is the first one to speak out of the group of silent crickets, "Wow (y/n), you look really pretty," you didn't want the boys to see you blush so you looked down and the flow of compliments started to come. The stage manager rushes over and notifies us that only thirty seconds before we take the stage, oh great the nerves are coming back. Shaking like a Chihuahua the men huddle around you to take the nerves away by a giant group hug, Namjoon leans over and whispers, "Don't worry, just remember this morning's fun. You'll do great," after calming down he gives you a side hug and lands a kiss on top of your straightened (h/c) hair.

It's about midnight when you come off stage jumping up and down in excitement, "That was the best show ever," shocked by your excitement Suga comments, "Well, you got to be apart of the biggest show ever. You did really extremely well." After cleaning your face from the makeup and sweat a knock is heard at your door, "Come in," you answer, in walks the members with food and drinks in hand, J-Hope jumps on the couch and yells, "Celebration party!" Eating the buffet of food on the table Jimin grabs his plastic cup and holds it up in the air, "Everyone, let's raise our cups in the air for another successful concert and for an amazing girl that was apart of the experience," everyone raised their cups and cheered for the awesome night we had all experienced. 

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