Chapter 80- Come Down (Time skip)

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A year goes by and live couldn't be better, the coffee shop is doing good, your rib healed eight months back, and your relationship with Namjoon is still unbreakable.

One day Anna and you went back to Seoul to see the boys since neither group has seen each other in a year. Arriving at the boys' dorm you knock on the door and wait patiently, the doorknob clicked and turned revealing Jungkook, "Hello... wait, what." You and Anna smile brightly at him, "Hey there," you said, Jungkook screamed at the top of his lungs, "(Y/N)! Anna! You guys came back to see us," one by one the members came to the door all excited to see both of you again. After the hugs you see the Namjoon once again isn't here, you look around, "Where's he at," Yoongi points to the ceiling, "In his studio working on new songs," you nod and take out your phone, Anna looks over your shoulder, "What are you doing," you smirk, "I'm gonna call him, what do you think I'm doing."

You dial Namjoon's number and wait for him to answer, in the meantime you slowly walk towards the stairs and head to his studio, the phone line clicks.

Namjoon: Hello?

Me: Hey, what's up?

Namjoon: I'm in my studio working on new songs. What's up with you?

Me: I'm at Anna's house, she's asleep and I'm about to wake her up. *you knock on a door*

Namjoon: *hears a knock behind him* Hold on, someone's at my door. Come in!

Me: Anna's awake, I'll talk to you later. Don't stay up too late working.

Namjoon: *laughs* I won't. Bye.

The door slowly opens and Namjoon turns around to see the person at the door, but no one's there. He gets up from his chair and slowly walks towards the door, "Hello?" You jump out from the side of the wall and yell, "Surprise!" Namjoon jumps back in fright, "What the-," you laugh, "I'm back," Namjoon lifts you up high in his arms hugging you, "I can't believe you're here," you wrap your legs around his waist, "Did you think I would forget about you." Namjoon kept you in his arms for what seemed like hours but really it was about ten minutes, he finally set you down, "I've missed you so much," you smile, "I've missed you too," Namjoon gave you a quick kiss then returned to his chair and worked again.

You stand behind him and smirk, "Really, I've been here for about ten minutes and you return back to your computer. Well, that tells you who's more important," Namjoon finished clicking some buttons then spun around in his chair, "That's a lie. You are more important to me, but we've been working on our new songs for the next album lately so I've been kinda busy for about a few months now." You run your fingers through his newly dyed hair, "I like your medium brunette hair, it looks good on you," he smirks, "Thank you." You place your hands on his shoulders and lean down to his eye level, "Come on out of your studio and hang out with the others. Anna's here too," Namjoon turns his chair around again towards the computer, "I can't right now, this had to get finished," you sigh and spin his chair around again, "You can and you will. Let's go," you grab both of his hands and pry him out of his chair, Namjoon complains at you, "Stop, I need to finish the song," you keep pulling him down the hall, "The song can wait, right now you're coming downstairs and hanging out for a few minutes."

Reaching the living room the member greet you and Namjoon, Jimin speaks, "Wow you got Namjoon out of his studio," you smirk, "Yeah. Took me awhile to get him out of his chair." Anna waves at Namjoon, "Hey," he waves back, then he looks at you, "Can I go back now," you cock your head sideways, "Seriously? Fine," you release his hands and watch him ascend up the stairs to hide from everyone in the dorm. Jin looks at you, "At least you go him down the stairs," you giggle, "That's true, I did."

After hours of hanging out the member, not including Namjoon, it got really late. Looking at the clock Anna yawns, "I'm so tired. I think I'm gonna go to sleep," you nod and agree, "I'm right behind you," you say your good nights to the boys and follow Anna upstairs to your room. Before entering your room you hear music coming from Namjoon's studio, he's still working? You knock on his door and slowly open it poking your head in, "Namjoon," he doesn't hear you call for him, you then fully enter his studio and stand beside him glaring at his computer screen, he looks over and notices you, "Oh, I didn't know you were there. What's up," you sigh, "You've been in here for three hours, you didn't spend at least one hour with me," Namjoon refocuses on his computer screen, you snap your fingers in front of his face, "It's one in the morning, you need to go to sleep," he looks at the time, "I didn't know that. Sorry," you walk towards to door and grab a hold of the knob, "Goodnight Namjoon." You shut the door and hear music being played again, you look down, why did I come back?

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