Chapter 56- See You Soon

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The next morning you and Anna wake up to a sweet smell lingering in the room. Anna fixes her hair and questions the smell, "What's that smell," you stand up and reply, "I don't know. Let's go check it out." Exiting the room the smell gets stronger and stronger, you sniff the air, "Is that, pancakes," Anna sniffs the air as well, "It.. does." Reaching the kitchen you find Jin with a cooking pan in hand, "Morning ladies," you both smile, "What are you making," Anna asked, Jin smiles and flips a pancake over, "I'm making pancakes," you smile brightly, "We could smell them from our room," Jin laughs, "You must have a strong scent. Anyways, you two go sit at the table, breakfast will be served soon," Anna smiles at Jin, "Alright."

Sitting at the table all the guys come out slowly and sit down, one by one they greet both of you, "Morning Anna, (y/n)," you both smile and greet them back. Jin leaves the kitchen with a two plate full of pancakes, your eyes widen at the sight, "Woah! That's a lot of pancakes," he sets them down, "Well we have big appetites so we tend to double up on food," you nod your head, "Understandable." While enjoying the pancakes Namjoon finally enters the dining room, you acknowledge his presence, "Morning. There are some pancakes left for you," Namjoon stops behind you and lands a kiss on your head, "Morning babe," he sits down next to Taehyung and take the last remaining pancakes and starts to eat. Taehyung finished eating and asks Jin a question, "What's today schedule," Jin looks at their group text, "Let's see. Practice for about two hours, rehearse for the concert for about another hour, then we're done," Taehyung sighs, "Work for about three hours or so? Okay." Hoseok sets his fork down, "What are we doing after practice," Jin shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. What do you guys want to do," Hoseok glances over at you, "The girls are here so we should all go out and do something," Jungkook adds in, "We should take them to Lotte World," Jin agrees, "That sounds fun."

After breakfast, the guys go to their rooms and change for practice. Anna and you chill in the living room watching TV, Yoongi and Hoseok enter waiting for the others, "You guys gonna be okay with being home alone for three hours," Hoseok says, you look over at him, "Totally. We got TV, a kitchen, and plenty of space to sleep," Hoseok laughs, "Sounds good." After a while Namjoon is last one of entering the living room, Jimin throws his hands up and speaks, "What took you so long. Were you writing, singing, and producing a new song," Yoongi smirks, "Or did you break something," you laugh at them. Namjoon stands behind the couch where you are sitting, "We're out, don't do anything stupid," you lean your head back looking up at Namjoon, "We're not gonna break anything unlike you," Yoongi laughs, "She got you," Namjoon glances over at him, "Shut up." Jin grabs his phone from the charging cord, "Alright guys let's head to the studio," they all exit the house, "Bye sweetheart," Namjoon said giving you a quick kiss, you respond, "Bye," Yoongi exits last and tells you two one more thing before shutting the door, "Don't go anywhere near my room or studio. You hear me," you look at him in the doorway, "We won't." As soon as the car pulls out of the driveway you give Anna a malicious smirk, "Wanna go break into their rooms," Anna looks out the window and returns with a malicious smirk as well, "Totally," Both of you stand up, you look up at the ceiling, "Who's room first," Anna thinks, "Um... Jimin's room," you look at Anna, you knew that was a lie, "You wanna go to Jungkook's room first," she smiles, "You're a physic, I swear."

Heading upstairs you find Jungkook's door, "Here we are," opening the door you drop your jaw in amazement, "Oh my gosh. His room is so cool," Anna follows behind you and drops her jaw as well, "Woah. It's huge."

After exploring all of the member's room there's actually one room and studio that you two have avoided, Yoongi's. You give the malicious smirk again, Anna knows what you're thinking, "He'll kill us if we go anywhere near his area," you laugh, "Anna, is Yoongi here? No. Who's gonna stop up," you walk towards Yoongi's room and open the door, Anna shouts, "Get out of there! (y/n)," you exit his room closing the door behind you, you throw your hands up, "I just walked around the room. I didn't touch anything," Anna lets out a sigh of relief, then you walk past her to another door reading "Genius Lab". Anna grabs your arm, "(Y/N), don't you dare enter his studio," you open the door, "I do dare. I'm just gonna look around, you can stand in the door if you want." While walking around Yoongi's studio you keep your hands up as Anna watches you from the doorway, looking at the pictures on his wall your phone buzzes signaling a text.

Yoongi: Get out of my studio. NOW!

Me: *in shock and showing Anna the text* I'm in the living room watching TV with Anna.

Yoongi: No you're not. I can see you.

Me: It's only been an hour, aren't you still in the studio?

Yoongi: *sends a screenshot of you standing in his studio* Get out.

Me: *you find a camera sitting on the table in the angle the photo was taken* Oh...

Yoongi: Out! Now!

Me: Sorry. *frowny face emoticon*

You close the door to the studio, Anna smirks, "I told you to stay out of there," you give Anna a shocked look, "I didn't know he had a camera in there." After getting yelled at by text you both sit on the couch in the living room and continue watching TV before the guys get home and possibly another yelling complaint from Yoongi, I better mentally prepare myself. The members return home after three hours of practice, Hoseok calls for your attention, "We're home," you and Anna exit the living room and see the guys, you wave at them, "Hey guys," Anna steps back after seeing them, "Woah! You guys are so sweaty," Jin looks around at the members, "She's right. We need to clean up then we can go out and have some fun." You look at Anna after the guys head upstairs to clean up, "I guess we should change out of these pajamas," Anna looks at her clothes, "You're right."

After you two changed and the boys cleaned up Jungkook gets excited for the trip, "Who's ready to go to Lotte World," you and Anna raise your hands and speak in unison, "We are." Jimin rushes outside and screams to the world, "Let's go!"

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