Chapter 24- Special Moment

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Pulling up to the arena Namjoon sighs in depression, you grab his hand, "Please don't be sad. Go in there and have fun, for me," he smiles, "Anything for you," exiting the car Army fans are waiting eagerly outside the arena, from the crowd a fan shouts out, "Look it's (y/n)," your stomach drops, but the fan finishes her sentence, "She looks like a goddess," you perk up and look in the direction of the fan and smile brightly, "Wow, I wasn't expecting that," Namjoon grabs your hand and walks with you to the door, as soon as he grabbed your hand the Army cheered in excitement, "See our Army fans have different reactions than the Army fans in America," you agree and enter the building.

Walking into BTS's dressing room the guys are sitting around doing whatever they can think of, "They're here," Jimin jumps up from his chair, Taehyung looks over from his makeup chair, "We thought you forgot about the concert," Namjoon laughs, "I didn't forget about the concert. I didn't want any distractions while we were out." Hoseok slides over to you and wraps his arm around you, "Tell us, was the date phenomenal? Did he try to kiss you, give us the details," you laugh and move away from Hoseok, "Dinner was amazing, we went to n-Grill and spent some time there. After that, we went to Alice, into the Rabbit Hole, and now we're here," Jin chimes in, "You avoided his question," confusion overtook your face, "What do you mean? I answer his question," Jin points at you, "You told us what you two did. The other half of the question was did Namjoon try to kiss you," Namjoon yelled from across the room, "No I didn't," Jin whips around to him, "I didn't ask you, you lie all the time. I want to hear it from her," he focuses his attention back to you, "No he didn't, but he did hold my hand," all the guys jumped up in shock, "Woah, our leader is growing up. He's taking baby steps without us," Namjoon whips around, "Shut up! I don't need you guys to help me with dates."

A few minutes stand before the concert starts, you join the members under the stage, "Do great, sing great, dance great, whatever you guys do. I love all of you so very much," the guys pull you into a group hug, Yoongi speaks up, "We're going to miss you." The stylists are doing some finishing touches on the guys, you stand by Namjoon trying not to lose sight of him, you can tell he's nervous by his body language, "Don't be nervous, you do this all the time," you try to calm his nerves down, he stares at the ground shaking his hand, "You're gonna do amazing, like always." The stage manager runs up to the group, "BTS, two minutes to get into position," all the members shake off the nerves and get set, before you can walk away you felt a hand wrap around your waist, Namjoon lets out a big sigh of relief knowing that you're gonna stay and watch them one last time. He steps onto the platform that's going to rise up and enter the stage for the performance, "This is going to be special," he whispers to himself, the manager comes up from behind, "Namjoon, you ready," he gives a thumbs up, he looks at you one last time before the concert starts, "Thank you," he takes your hand and gives it a gentle kiss.

There are two songs left in the concert, "Army," Namjoon screams into the mic, "Before we do the next song, there's someone special backstage that needs to come to the stage. (Y/N)," shock takes over your body, what? The stage manager comes up from behind, "(Y/N), the guys want you on stage," you look surprised, "What? Why me," the stage manager gives you a gentle push on stage, you look into the crowd and see the millions of Army fans cheering and chanting. Hoseok runs over to you and places his hand on your upper back, "Come on," you follow the direction of the gentle shoving from Hoseok. You join the others with confusion on your face, Jin answers your confusion, "You're probably wondering why we called you out here. Well, we got you one more gift that we all paid for," Namjoon emerges from behind Jin, to mess with your mind Namjoon gets on one knee and removes a black velvet box from his pocket, you back away slowly, Namjoon takes his microphone and clams you down, "It's not what you think it is, I'm just messing with you. But we really hope you like it," you slowly creep up to Namjoon and he opens up the box revealing a sterling silver ring with blood red stone in the middle shining like the stars. You take out the ring and examine it, along the side of the ring it has initials engraved into it: KN, KS, MY, JH, PJ, KT, JJ. You put on the ring and admire it, "It has our initials engraved on the side, so you won't forget us," some of the guys are starting to tear up at your reaction to the ring. Yoongi holds the microphone for you, "I love it. Thank you guys, this is the best gift ever."

As the concert concludes you feel joy and sadness in the atmosphere backstage. Sitting in the dressing room you stare at the ring admiring it, the door opens and the members enter, "There are my boys'. That was the best concert ever," you give each guy an individual hug. Jungkook takes his camera and starts to film everyone, "Just finished part two of the concert and it was a success. How does everyone feel," they all gave their opinion of the concert, "(Y/N), give us your opinion," he points at the camera at you, "Well, the concert was phenomenal like always. I got the best gifts ever, a ring with all the initials of the members, and they played all my favorite songs, this was a special moment for sure."

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