Chapter 58- Scared Yet?

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Walking around the park with Namjoon in hand you look around at the different rides and places, "Where should we start?" Naming off rides and places none of them sound good, until Namjoon spots a very interesting building, he stops causing you to stop as well, "What is it," he smiles, "Are you easily scared," you give him a confused look, "No. Why," he points off in the distance, "Haunted house. Let's go there."

Strolling up to the haunted house you can hear people screaming inside like their getting murdered, you tensed up at the sound, Namjoon wraps his arm around you, "Scared yet," you shove him off, "No. But we could make a bet," he perks up, "A bet?" Looking at the house you wagers your bet, "If you get scared to a certain point, you have to do aegyo for a whole month including concerts," he is shocked by your wager but readjusts himself, "Alright, I see your aegyo and I raise you," he thinks on his wager, "If you get scared to a certain point, you get to let me kiss you anywhere I want, whenever I want," you jump back and hit his arm, "Dude, that's gross," he laughs, "I'm not gonna go pass your neck." He sticks his hand out, "Deal," you shake his hand with a smirk on your lips, "Deal."

Entering the haunted house it starts off with baby scared, people hiding, loud bangs, sirens, and sudden fog cannons, "So far so good," you say knowing that you're gonna win. Throughout the house, it scares intensify but you're holding your ground, but every once in a while Namjoon tries to scare you but it doesn't work. In the middle of the house, there's a girl sitting in the middle of the floor, she looks up with killer eyes and questions us, "Are you sure you want to continue? You're gonna die if you do," you laugh it off, "Yeah right. Where's the door," she points to the door behind her, you tug on Namjoon's arm who's frozen in time, "Come on or are you scared already," he snaps out of it, "I'm not scared, but you'll be soon," he laughs evilly.

Reaching the end Namjoon stops which raises an alarm in your mind, "Are you okay," he points in front of you causing you to look, but nothing's there. You turn back around, "There's nothing- Namjoon," he's gone, you start to look around the room calling his name out, "Namjoon? Namjoon," you start to panic a little bit, "This isn't funny. The boys are gonna kill me if you don't stop." Once again you call out his name with tears forming in your eyes, "Namjoon! Where are you," looking down at the dark floor a pair of hands grab your shoulder, you scream like a banshee and fall to the floor, finally you look up and see Namjoon dying laughing, "I win! I win," while he takes in his victory you can't help but cry your eyes out, he stops rubbing in his victory and meets you on the floor, "Are you okay?" He kneels down placing his hand on your cheek, "What's wrong," you punch him in the chest and scream, "Are you serious! Why would you do that! I was so close to having a mental breakdown," he falls back in shock, "I'm sorry (y/n). I didn't mean for you to get that worried about me. It was a joke," you get up and brush off the dirt and dust, "Yeah a joke, a joke gone wrong." You storm out to the haunted house with Namjoon catching up to you, he stops you from walking, "Hey. I said I'm sorry," you bite your tongue, Namjoon keeps apologizing, "(Y/N), I'm sorry. Please forgive me," you release your tongue and speak, "Just saying 'sorry' isn't gonna cut it."

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