Chapter 57- Let's Have Some Fun

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Pulling up to Lotte World you can't stop but look in every direction admiring every detail. Namjoon leans behind you, "You ready to have fun," you glance back at him, "Yes." Leaving the car Anna grabs your arm pulling you away from the group, "We gotta take a picture," Anna excitingly says, you rub your sore arm, "Okay, but ow my arm," she shrugs her shoulders, "Sorry." Try to find a good angle Namjoon offers to help, "Here let me take it," Anna hands over the phone, "Thanks." He sets up a good angle with fantastic lighting from the bright sun, "Ready," you ask him, he nods and starts a countdown, "One...two... three," you and Anna smile brightly then start doing cute poses for the camera causing Namjoon and the others to laugh. Namjoon hands Anna the phone back still laughing, you shrug it off, "Hey we're weird like that."

Entering Lotte World again, you can't stop looking around at everything the place offers, "Wow, where do we start." Yoongi points to the left and gets an idea, "We can go to the Lotte World theme park," they agree and we all head towards the park, Jimin sees all the people in line, "No! There are too many people, we might not get in," Namjoon pulls nine tickets, "Yeah right," you widen your eyes in shock, "What! You got tickets, how," he laughs, "Jungkook and I talked about it days ago and only bought seven tickets, then when you two got here I knew I had to buy two more. So I may have cut a corner and got these two for half price," you smile at him, "You are a man of wonders Kim Namjoon," he blushes, "Thanks."

Walking into the park everyone is amazed, Jungkook can't stop looking around, "There are too many rides. We'll never ride them all," a light bulb goes off in your head, "What if we split into groups," they smile at the idea, "Sounds good. What about time," Anna replies, "Meet at 10 pm?" After every detail was set everyone split into groups, Jungkook, Anna, and Taehyung were one group, Jimin, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi was another, and that leaves you and Namjoon as another group. Watching them all go off in different directions you stare at them dumbfounded, "Wow. They literally walked off and left me," Namjoon smile and intertwined his hand with yours, "Don't be silly. You still have me," you smile, "That's true. I do have you."

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