Chapter 49- Don't Talk to Me (Time skip)

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Three days had passed since Namjoon lied to you about having another BTS interview, he tried to call you when they landed but you ignored him the entire time, and he started to get worried.

Namjoon: *throwing his phone down on the couch* She isn't picking up again.

Jin: How many times have you called her?

Namjoon: I've called 10 times today, she's still ignoring me.

Yoongi: *sitting next to Namjoon* There's your first mistake. Don't call her back to back, she's just gonna turn off her phone.

Namjoon: I should have told her we were leaving, but I lied. Jimin told me when we landed and now I feel awful for not telling the truth.

Jimin: She did sound mad at you. *entering from the kitchen with food in hand*

Namjoon: Wait, you talked to her?

Jimin: Not yet, I've only texted her a couple times.

Namjoon: *a light bulb goes off in his head* Call her, I need to hear her voice.

Jimin: *shrugging his shoulder and setting his bowl of food down* I can try.

Namjoon: *standing next to Jimin* Put her on speaker, please.

Jimin takes out his phone and dials your number, but you don't answer right away. Call after call you finally answer the call.

*The line clicks*

Me: Hello?

Jimin: Hey (y/n), what's up? *Namjoon breaths a quiet sigh of relief*

Me: Nothing much. I'm lounging around my apartment on YouTube. What's up with you.

Jimin: Hanging with the boys. Guys say hi! *They all say hi except Namjoon but he does whisper into Jimin's ear*

Me: Hello!

Jimin: (Y/N)?

Me: Yes?

Jimin: *hesitates* How are you feeling? Do you still hate Namjoon?

Me: Um... yeah, kind of. Why?

Jimin: I care about you deeply. I just wanted to know if you're fine.

Me: I'm still mad at him don't get me wrong, but I wish he was just honest with me and not lie to my face. That's happened to me before in the past and I couldn't trust anyone for years.

Jimin: Wow, I didn't know that. *Namjoon couldn't take it anymore, he spoke up finally*

Namjoon: (Y/N) listen, I'm sorry. I should have told you we were leaving but I didn't want you to get sad again.

Me: *your mood changes quickly* Are you kidding me? You lied straight to my face then flew off back to Seoul. How am I supposed to forgive you for pulling a stunt like that? And I can't believe you Jimin, you put me on speaker phone, I should have known. Don't talk to me! I can't trust anyone anymore! *you hang up before Jimin and Namjoon could speak*

All the guys look at Jimin and Namjoon in shock, Jin places a hand on Namjoon's back, "Wow, you've really messed up," Yoongi agrees, "Yeah. That's the most anger that she's shown since we've known her," Jimin grabs Namjoon's forearm, "I'm sorry Namjoon. At least you know she's fine and alive," Namjoon shakes his head, "Yeah, that's true. If you guys need me, I'll be in my studio, crying my eyes out." Namjoon goes upstairs to his studio and just sits there, doing nothing. Finally, he puts on his headphones and starts to play 'I Need U' on repeat while looking at all the pictures of you and him not knowing that he was starting to cry. "I need you girl, you're beautiful." 

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