Chapter 65- Days Away

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Months become weeks and weeks become days, only five days until your six month anniversary. One morning Anna received a text from Namjoon who's starting to become nervous since the anniversary is right around the corner.

Namjoon: I'm starting to get nervous.

Anna: It's going to be okay, calm down.

Namjoon: Does she know the guys and I will be there tomorrow?

Anna: No. You better get ready, your anniversary is only five days away.

Namjoon: I know that. We planned to do all of her favorite songs. Also, I've decided to sing an old song that I've produced before BTS debuted.

Anna: What song?

Namjoon: "Favorite Girl". I was also thinking of doing "Reflection", does that sound good?

Anna: (Y/N) loves "Reflection" so much.

Namjoon: That makes me feels so much better.

Later that day, Anna meet with the boys at the airport and dropped them off at a hotel. Anna stays with the boys at the hotel for a while talking and reviewing the plan, "Okay so the plan is to have a normal concert that (y/n) and I will be at, backstage hopefully, until the show quiets down as Namjoon remains on stage and either 'Reflection' or 'Favorite Girl' plays." The guys listen and input comments and concerns into the plan, Jungkook raises a concern, "Wait, if you and her are backstage and she sees how nervous Namjoon is, isn't that going to raise an alarm into her head," Anna lets out a sigh, "That's true, she will ask what's wrong. Okay, then I'll tell her we got tickets to the concert but the boys couldn't get us backstage access. Better?" Namjoon nods in agreement, "Sounds good so far. Now how does the ring fit into this," Anna switches to the ring, "Right, so I was thinking after 'Reflection' you talk to the Army and tell them how it's your six month anniversary and whatever else if you want to get emotional about it good for you. I think you should call her up on stage, I'll lead her with security guards around us making room for her and I'll take her to the stage, then you meet us at the stairs and lead her up there. Talk about the six months with her, best memories, how she's changed you, whatever else; just get her emotional and as soon as she gets there, take the ring out and give her the grand speech you prepared." Namjoon starts to get even more nervous about everything, Jimin calms him down, "Namjoon it's okay to be nervous, you told us when you first meet her was 'I'm going to promise her a good future one day,' so this is the day. If it helps we'll come back on stage to give you more confidence," Yoongi thinks of something that Namjoon should do on stage, "What if (y/n) is on stage and Namjoon is about done with his speech he should get on one knee and freak her out, but his opening line should be, 'It's not what you think.'" They all laugh thinking of your reaction to Namjoon on one knee.

After hours of talking and planning Anna leaves the hotel and heads home, "Bye guys, have a nice night. Remember, don't let (y/n) know that you guys are here. Namjoon, you got this," everyone waves Anna goodbye and get ready to go to their rooms and sleep the nerves away before Namjoon's life changes forever.

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