Chapter 31- Your View on Life

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Your social media has been blowing up with Army fans asking you questions and wanting to know more about your personal life after what Namjoon said. Later that day at the coffee shop Anna asked you about something, "Hey did you see their recent interview," you look back, "The Billboard News interview? Yeah, I watched," Anna shook her shoulder against your back, "Stop that. That's weird," Anna laughs, "The way Namjoon talked about you, ah, I wish I had that." After work, you receive a call for an unknown number, so you decide to answer the call.

Me: Hello?

Tom Graves: Hello my name is Tom Graves and I'm a reporter for KCAL-TV. Is this (Y/N)?

Me: Yes, this is (y/n).

Tom Graves: I've been watching social media lately and you've been trending. I would like to have an interview with you and get your full story on life being involved with BTS leader, RM.

Me: Um... sure. *an uncertain tone is heard in your voice*

Tom Graves: Okay. How does Friday morning at 10 am sound?

Me: Sounds good!

Tom Graves: Alright, see you Friday morning Ms. (Y/L/N) *phone call ends*

The normal life that you've lived for (y/a) years is about to change. Friday morning you're going to be on the local news talking about your life and your "friendship" with Namjoon. I need to prepare my mind so I don't sound stupid on live TV. 

[Y/A: your age]

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