Chapter 82- Cafe Trip (Time skip)

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A half of a year passed since you and Namjoon got engaged, everything was falling into perfect harmony. All the problems that both of you had died away, fights and disagreements.

In the new morning you wake up with the sun shining on your face, the warmth brought a smile to your face. Sitting up you look next to you and see a beautiful sleeping figure still asleep, you smirk, "Cute." Quietly rolling off the bed you get stopped by a strong hand, you hear the voice murmur, "Don't leave me. Lay back down." You ran your fingers through the blonde hair, "I'm going to get some coffee. Go back to sleep," the strong hand pulls you back down, "I can't sleep. Just stay for five more minutes." Rolling your eyes, you lay back down facing the sleeping figure as the figure wraps his long arms around you, he murmurs, "Perfect."

Five minutes pass, wiggling out of his grip he tightens his arms. Playfully laughing, "Stop. Let me go, I want coffee," he whispers back, "Five more minutes," you scoff, "It's been five minutes. Let me go." He finally releases you, "I'll get you something too," the figure rolls completely off the bed hitting the ground with a big bang, you laugh, "Really? Was that necessary." You walk to him and stretch your hands out, he takes your hand and stands up. He rubs his eyes and roughs up his hair, "I want to go get coffee too... with my fiance," you smile.

Walking downtown both of you look at all your coffee shop options, Namjoon questions, "Where to go, where to go." A light bulb goes off in your head, "I know a place that you'll like," you take Namjoon's hand and lead him down the street. Finally, you both reach the Kakao Friends store that has a Ryan Cafe upstairs, you smile at him, "We're here," Namjoon starts getting giddy with excitement.

Entering the cafe you look around at the decor and admire it as Namjoon feels like he's a kid in a candy store. As he looks at you smirk, "Have you been here before," he shakes his head in disagreement, "No. I've been to a different shop but never this one. I love it!" Heading to the counter you look over the menu, deciding on your drink you tell Namjoon, "I want a Caramel Macchiato," he nods, "Oh, we should get the Ryan Macaroons," you say squeezing his arm. After ordering you find a spot near the window and look over the city and the citizens below, Namjoon yawns quietly, you laugh, "Tired?" He smiled back, "A little, but I'm glad I got up," you smiled back and looked back out the window. The intercom at the cafe called for Namjoon to pick up our drinks, he tapped the table lightly, "I'll be back," he returns with a blue tray with two drinks and four Ryan Macaroons wrapped up in a bag. Taking your drink in hand you casually raise it up, "To us, for a brighter future," Namjoon raised his up and nodded, "To the love of my life."

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