Chapter 17- First Night

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After the boys picked you up from the airport the entire drive to their dorm was filled with questions and catching up on life. "So (y/n), how's it going in Los Angeles," Jimin asked, "It's great. Nothing new really," you replied. Everyone had questions to exchange and laughs until Hoseok's question made you go silent, "Um, how's the social media going? Everythings... good," the expression on your face went from happy smiles to depression, "Uh, it's fine. Everything's going great," Namjoon could read your body language and he knew something was up.

Pulling up to the driveway of their dorm you look out the window like a shooting star is passing by, "Don't look yet, let it be a surprise," Jin took his hands and covered your eyes and Suga leads you out of the car. Jin leaned closer to your ear and whispered, "Ready," you shake your head vigorously, "One, two, three," he moved his hands back and waited for your reaction, "Oh my Bangtan! This place is a mansion," your jaw dropped at the site of their million dollar dorm. Taehyung looked at the house then to you, "You can say that" he laughed and guided you to the door for a tour. Before Jin could enter the doorway Namjoon grabbed his forearm, "Jin, that was a little too close for comfort," Jin looked at Namjoon's angry face, "Sorry dude. If you wanted to surprise her you should have covered her eyes."

Their dorm is like a maze, turn after turn, room after room, this is going to get confusing. "Right here is Namjoon's studio," you look over and see the plaque on his door, "Mon Studio? What could he not come up with a clever name," you say sarcastically to make Taehyung laugh. Two doors down from Namjoon's studio was an empty room furnished with a bed, a desk with a computer resting on it, and a dresser; you walk into the room and look around, "This is your room," Taehyung said standing in the doorway, You set your bags down on the bed and look around the room, "Thank you," you smiled at Taehyung and he smiles back, "We'll eat in about ten minutes, okay," you examine the room and reply, "Sounds good."

Walking past Namjoon's studio you can some beats playing inside the room, "Looks like the monster is working on a mixtape," you chuckle and walk downstairs to meet the guys for dinner. Jungkook spots you from the couch, "Hey (y/n), what do you think about the place," you walk into the living room, "You're house is amazing. But I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need a map just to find my room again," both of you exchange laughs. Jin leaves the kitchen and enters the living room, "Hey kookie lend me a hand in the kitchen please," Jungkook rolls his head back in exhaustion, you perk up, "I'll help you Jin. Kookie seems tired," he rolls his head in your direction and you give him a simple wink, "I don't mind helping."

The food was set and prepared on the table, everyone gathered at the table and they made sure you had room at the table, "Wait, guys, where's Namjoon," Suga stopped everyone, "I heard music coming from his studio earlier. He must still be in there," you chimed in, "I'll go get him," you get up from the table and they thank you for getting Namjoon. Turning down the hallway you hear music coming from Namjoon's studio, you stop at the door and kindly knock on the door, "Namjoon? Food's ready," but no one answered. Knock after knock he still didn't answer, you slowly open the door not knowing what you'll see in his studio; entering the room you look around seeing all the figurines on the shelves and pictures hanging on the wall. Namjoon was sitting at his computer with headphones on clicking and moving sound bits around, "That's why he didn't answer," you said seeing the headphone resting on Namjoon's ears, leaning over you tapped him on the shoulder causing him to jump ten feet into the air, "What the... oh my gosh. You scared me," you jumped backward in shock, "Sorry. I knocked on the door five times and you didn't answer," he set his headphones down and turned the chair towards you, "My bad. I was working on my mixtape," you relax and walk towards the door, "It's not your fault. Food's ready downstairs, come on. Namjoon stood up and followed you downstairs to the dining room where everyone was, "Sorry guys. My bad, I was working on stuff," Namjoon sat down grabbing a plate, chopsticks, and food.

After dinner, all the guys sat in the living room watching TV and talking about tomorrow, while they talked about their schedule you walked to the back door and stepped outside to take in the nighttime air and scenery. Looking around you took out your phone and snapped a few photos to send to Anna who asked for them, "Like the view," you jump in shock as the voice came out of nowhere, "Uh, yeah. The views awesome," you turn around and see Namjoon leaning up against a post, "I think the view is nice but it's better when you have a high vantage point," you agree, "That's true," Namjoon moved to a tree and unclipped a bag hanging on it and moved to another tree and clipped the other end of the bag to it, "The best part is star gazing," you look over and see him getting into a hammock to lay down in. Strolling over in his direction you look up to the heavens and see the millions of stars, "Why look at those stars when I have a star next to me," you said making Namjoon blush wildly. You laid down on the grass next to him to gaze upon the stars, his arm swung out of the hammock and you smacked it like a cat being playful, "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you," you laughed at him apologizing, "You didn't hit me, I hit your hand to be funny," both of you laughed. "Don't lay in the grass. Lay in the hammock with me," he moved over to make room for you, "Are you sure," you questioned getting up smacking grass off your jeans, "It's fine. If Yoongi can fit in here with me then you can fit in here as well," you laugh at the thought of Namjoon and Yoongi laying next to each other in a hammock close together.

Both of you lay in the hammock gazing upon the stars not saying a word, kind of romantic in a way. At a subtle moment Namjoon pulled the old "arm around the girl trick", he yawned and stretched his arms out causing you to move your head. His arm falls gently behind your neck and lands on your left shoulder, this moment is movie quality. The stars were twinkling brightly, the breeze was subtle, the moment was perfect until you hear the door open, "Hey Namjoon are you out here still," Jimin yelled from the patio, Namjoon rose his head up a little bit to face Jimin, "Yeah, just stargazing again," Jimin shook his head, "Okay. The guys and I are heading to bed, you should head to your room as well." Jimin walked back inside heading to bed, "Is it time to sleep already," Namjoon said slamming the back of his head on the net, "Looks like it," you said getting up from the hammock, before taking a step Namjoon grabbed your hand to stop you, "No, don't leave me," he said pouting, you laughed and turned to him, "Come on, you need your sleep." Namjoon slowly got up from the hammock and hung it back up, "You're a sloth," you laugh at his slow movements, to be funny Namjoon started to move like a sloth just to make you laugh. You walk over to the sloth and take his hand, "Let's go, an idol like you needs his beauty sleep," he follows you not letting go of your hand. Both of you reach your rooms heading for bed, "Goodnight Namjoon," you say sweetly, he smiles back, "Goodnight princess."

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