Chapter 54- Anna, Guess Who's Leaving (Time skip)

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Within a month of working extra shifts you've earned enough money to take your trip, I can't believe I've saved up $100,000 to not only buy a plane ticket but for food as well. You had nothing better to do for the day because the manager called you late at night and told you that you have the day off again, but you need to share your excitement with someone, I gotta go tell Anna about this. You race out of the apartment complex and head to the shop to tell Anna the news.

Entering the shop you find Anna heading to the back room, but the manager stops you, "(Y/N), I told you to stay home," you collect your thoughts before you spoke, finally collecting your thoughts, "I know that sir, but I have to talk to Anna. I saved up enough money for my trip," he smiles and slides out of your way, "Well then, go right ahead." You slowly open the door to build suspense, Anna laughs, "(Y/N), I know that's you," you laugh and enter the room with bright smiles in both your eyes and mouth, Anna questions your expression, "What's with the smiles," you lay down an envelope on the table with your name on it, "Guess who's leaving," Anna's face turns into confusion, you explain, "You know how I've said no to about everything you wanted to do with me," she follows along, "Well, working the extra shifts was true and it was because I need money for a trip I've been dying to take," Anna nods and still follows along, "I've saved up enough money to buy a plane ticket," Anna drops her jaw and finally speaks, "How much money did you save up," you look away and place a hand on the envelope, "$100,000 over the course of three months working extra shifts here," Anna screams in excitement, "OMG! Where are you going," you look back and smile, Anna knows where you're going just by the simple smile, "You're going back to Seoul to surprise Namjoon aren't you," you laugh and hug Anna, "I'm going back to Seoul." Anna jumps up and down for you, "(Y/N), that's amazing. I'll miss you when you leave," you look down at the envelope, "Well, a plane ticket to Seoul through United is $4,816 and I have enough money to buy another ticket," Anna drops her jaw again, "No. You gotta be kidding me," you look at Anna, "Will you accompany me to Seoul, South Korea. I know you got jealous when I went for the first time," Anna hugs you and accepts the offer, "Alright, I'm buying the tickets tomorrow. We just need to pick a good departure day and I need to text one of the guys to let them know that we're coming."

You purchased the tickets for you and Anna, both of you are set to leave in a week. After purchasing the tickets you text Yoongi a picture of the tickets.

Me: *picture of the tickets*

Yoongi: Why did you send me a picture of plane tickets.

Me: I swear you are so clueless.

Yoongi: It's not my fault. Seriously, what's with the picture.

Me: I'm coming back to Seoul! I'm also bringing Anna, that's why there are two tickets.

Yoongi: Really? Are you coming back? But how did you get the tickets, we didn't buy them?

Me: It's called holding an actual job not an idol job. I saved up $100,000 to buy two tickets plus enough for food or whatever else I find there.

Yoongi: That's great that you're coming back. I'll tell the guys, at least Namjoon can stop moping around the dorm.

Me: No! Don't tell the guys! I want it to be a surprise.

Yoongi: You texted the right guy to keep a secret.

Me: Thank you Yoongi! You're the best! *heart emoticon*

A week finally passes and Anna knocks on your door, you yell, "Come in," Anna walks in and yells back, "Who's ready to go to Seoul," you step out of your room, "I am." Anna walks back to your room, "I thought you packed already," you put things into your bag, "I did. I just didn't pack these," you put shoes, hairbrush, flat iron, and other things in the bag, Anna looks at your nightstand, "When did you get a ring," you look at the stand, "Oh, I almost forgot it. Thanks, Anna," you place the ring on your pointer finger, Anna looks at you in confusion, "You didn't answer my question. When did you get a ring," looking back at the ring you realize you never mentioned it to her, "Oh I forget to tell you. Last time I was in Seoul the guys had a two-part concert and the part two was for me celebrating my last night in Seoul. Towards the end of the concert they pulled me on stage and gave this to me as a gift and it has initials engraved on it," you take the ring off and handed it to Anna, she examines it, "Wow, that's amazing. What do the initials stand for," you laugh, "It's their names. You know Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook."

After packing you two head for LAX, you look at Anna when you arrive at the airport, "You ready to fly," she nods and gets giddy with excitement, "Calm down, it's a plane, not a BTS concert," Anna shoves you, "Shut up. Only you know the experience of a backstage BTS concert." Finding your seats on the plane you two are placed next to each other with no one in the third seat, score again. You take out your phone and get Anna's attention for a selfie, "Anna look at me," she looks over and smiles for the camera, "That's going to Yoongi so he knows we're on our way," you send the photo and start to have a short conversation with him before the plane takes off.

Me: *sends selfie and Anna and you* On our way to Seoul.

Yoongi: Can't wait to see you two again.

Me: Is our arrival still a secret?

Yoongi: Yeah, I'll make an excuse to leave the dorm and come pick you up.

Me: Sounds good. See you soon!

Yoongi: See you in Seoul.

You put your phone away and glance over at Anna who's looking around the plane like a lost child, you realize a connection when you first flew on a plane, "You've never been on a plane before," Anna jolts her head towards you and denies the claim, "That's a lie. I have been on a plane before," you smirk, "Planes on ground level don't count," Anna drops her head, "You caught me," you take Anna's hand and squeeze it, "Don't worry, I was like you when I first went to Seoul. I'm right here next to you." Anna finally calms down and the plane starts to take off, Anna looks out your window, "Seoul, South Korea. Here we come."

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