Chapter 63- The Countdown Begins (Time skip)

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The next week Anna and Namjoon have been planning the surprise for long hours, where's this going to happen, who's going to be there, and what should (y/n) wear. You would ask Anna if she wanted to hang out several times but she would reject which sent poundings in your brain, what's wrong with Anna? Is she hiding something from me? One day you texted Anna to see if she was free to hang out and do something fun.

Me: Hey Anna are you free today?

Anna: I'm sorry (y/n), I'm busy today.

Me: Why do I have a suspicion that you're hiding something from me?

Anna: What? No! I'm covering someone's shift tonight.

Me: Who's shift are you covering?

Anna: Seth's shift, he asked me last night.

Me: Seth's been on vacation for two months, he won't be back until next week.

Anna: He asked me because Megan is sick.

Me: Seth is in Cuba. You would have to buy wifi to make a call. Anna, what's been going on?

Anna: I'm heading to the shop. Bye!

Anna throws her phone on her bed from across the room, she lets out a big exhale, "She's trying to figure it out. I need to warn Namjoon quick," she jumps on her bed and texts Namjoon.


Namjoon: What! What happened!

Anna: She's trying to figure it out!

Namjoon: Did you break?

Anna: No, I'm staying strong. She wanted to see if I was free to hang out with her today but I rejected her.

Namjoon: Why would you do that! She can read you from a mile away.

Anna: I should have said yes. Now she thinks I'm hiding something from her that's important.

Namjoon: Well, keep strong. Don't let her find out yet, it's too early.

Anna: I'll stay strong. FIGHTING!

Namjoon: FIGHTING!

Moments after the conversation ended you texted Namjoon to find out what's up with Anna.

Me: Hey darling, can you help me?

Namjoon: You've never said "darling" before? What can I help you with?

Me: Something's up with Anna and she won't tell me. I think she's hiding something from me.

Namjoon: You need me to talk to her for you?

Me: Yes, please.

Namjoon: Okay, hold on. (pretends to call Anna. Ten minutes later.) She said she's working.

Me: That's impossible! I texted her earlier, she's covering no one tonight.

Namjoon: Or maybe she's visiting family but didn't want you to know.

Me: Her dad dies 10 years ago, her mom lives in New York, and her brother is in the military.

Namjoon: I didn't know that. I don't know what's up with her. Just let her do her thing and if she wants to tell you, she will.

Me: Okay. I just hate it when people I love keep secrets from me.

Namjoon: It'll be fine, don't worry.

The secret is starting to chip away day by day, you keep asking Anna what's wrong and why she keeps ditching you for no reason. You couldn't stop thinking about it so you sat down with Anna at the shop on your day off and confronted her again, "Anna, I just want to know what's up with you. You never turn down a hang out day," Anna avoids eye contact, "I just need time to myself sometimes," you nod, "I understand but you usually tell me 'I'm gonna spend time at home today.' This time you didn't." Anna gets up and walks away from the conversation, "I'm not hiding anything from you. I don't have to spend every waking moment with you," your eyes show shock from Anna's subtle anger, you look down at the table, "Oh, if that's the case, then I'm sorry that I've bothered you that much," you walk out as Anna tries to stop you, "(Y/N)! Come back, I didn't mean it to come out like that. (Y/N)!" As Anna sees you walk down the street she can't help but think, that's not what I meant by that (y/n), I'm sorry. After Anna got home she texted Namjoon what happened at the shop.

Anna: I messed up big time.

Namjoon: What happened?

Anna: (Y/N)'s mad at me because of something I said that came out in the wrong tone.

Namjoon: What did you say?

Anna: I said, "I don't have to spend every waking moment with you." I came out like she annoys me but that's not the tone I was trying to use.

Namjoon: How did she react.

Anna: She looked down and said, "I'm sorry that I've bothered you that much."

Namjoon: Anna, that's terrible. If she thinks that it's going to be hard to pull this off.

Anna: I know, I know. I'll try to talk to her and clear the air.

Namjoon: Please do! You're a key part of this plan.

Anna: Alright. The countdown begins! Six months, hurry up, please!

Namjoon: Haha. 

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