Chapter 72- Energy High

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After the long text conversation with Anna, you decided to catch up on some sleep. You head to your room and lay on your comfy bed with your phone on airplane mode so no one can bother you, people can wait for my responses. You get comfortable in bed and feel the weight from your eyelids slowly lower down blurring your vision, finally, you fell into a deep sleep.

Hours of sleep caught up to your body, opening your eyes you saw it was still daylight outside, how long was I asleep for? You look at the time and turn off airplane mode, I sleep for two hours, good. Standing up from your bed you stretched out wide and yawned loudly, Namjoon could probably hear you all the way in Seoul. Standing in front of your standing mirror you gaze into your tired eyes as your phone buzzes, someone texted me, it was Hoseok.

Hoseok: Hello, I'm your hope! I just wanted to let you know that we have a special stage tonight at one o'clock today, your time zone of course. Don't miss it!

You look at the time on your phone, no... no... no! It's two o'clock, I can't believe I missed their stage. A few moments later Hoseok texted you again.

Hoseok: How did you like our stage performance?

Me: Um... I missed the performance. I was sleeping and I just woke up as well. I'm sorry Hobi...

Hoseok: What?!?! It's alright, I guess Namjoon kept you up?

Me: How did you know?

Hoseok: He was having a hard time staying awake backstage. It took him about four Red Bulls and one Monster to wake him up.

Me: Drinking five energy drinks is bad.

Hoseok: Well...

Me: What happened? Please don't scare me when it comes to Namjoon.

Hoseok: It's not bad... it's just that... he's been on an energy high since the performance.


Hoseok: And still going too. *attaches a video of Namjoon running around like a crazy kid*

Me: Oh Lord.

Within a few seconds of your reply you FaceTime Hoseok to try to calm down a hyperactive Pomeranian.

Hoseok: Hello, I'm your hope!

Me: Switch the camera view.

Hoseok: *switches the camera view to Namjoon running, jumping, and screaming like a kid.


*Namjoon stops in his tracks and turn towards Hoseok as he switches the camera view again and shows my face at Namjoon*

Me: Kim Namjoon, calm down.

*He runs over to Hoseok*

Namjoon: Hi (y/n), I miss you! How are you! *he rambles on*

Me: *yelling* Namjoon, sit!

Namjoon: *he sits down at the dog command*

Me: Calm down. Drinking five energy drinks was a bad idea. Listen to me very carefully.

Namjoon: *shakes his head*

Me: Go to sleep now.

Namjoon: But I'm not tired. *whines like a little kid*

Me: I don't care, you need to sleep off the energy drinks. Go to your room. NOW!

Namjoon: *pouts and walks upstairs*

Me: Hobi, please make sure he falls asleep and stays asleep.

Hoseok: No problem. Anyo!

Me: Anyo!

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