Chapter 2- Look Who's Here

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The glass door opens with an (h/c) haired woman walking in with little to no purpose at all, bad acting smile on her smooth (s/c) face, it was you. Entering the back room you sit down counting donations from the successful morning, the chair next to your slides out and sits down your co-worker Anna, "I guess that's from this morning?" Not losing concentration you continue counted, "Hundred, hundred-twenty, two hundred-sixty. Woah, this was the most successful day I've ever had." Anna peaks with curiosity, "How much did you get," typing the information into your phone you answer, "I collected $300 today. Most successful day ever, nothing can tear me down. Unfortunately, I'm stuck here brewing and serving coffee." You cleaned yourself up from the sweat you worked up this morning; heading to the front counter other coworkers keep asking you how this morning went, you give them the same response you gave Anna except not wanting to be at work.

Coffee drinkers keep pilling into the shop getting coffee left and right. Only an hour left before your shift is over, the glass door opens again with seven men walking in looking around like it's another dimension, you greet them with a friendly smile, "Hello, welcome to Local. What would you gentlemen like today?" All of them glancing at the board you move out of the way for them to have a better view. Now knowing what they want one by one the men tell their leader what they would like; the translator is gorgeous, with platinum-gray hair, and a cute angle face he tells you what each man would like to drink. Hitting the last button on the POS system you repeat the order, "Okay and that's all?" They all nod their heads, "What name do you want on the ticket sir," you happily ask. The translator says, "Put it under Bangtan," your eyes widen a little bit at the name Bangtan.

"(Y/N), these drinks are ready to go. Can you serve them please," as your boss asks nicely. You shake your head in agreement and put the coffee drinks on a tray to carry them over to the table of the seven men. As you head over to the table you grab the ticket and confirm that this is the correct table, "Bangtan, correct?" Translator shakes his head to confirm the ticket, he hands the drinks to each man and they thank you for your politeness. As you head into the back room to hang your apron up Anna approaches with her jaw dropped, "Do you realize who you just served out there?" In confusion shaking your head you can't help but recall this morning, "Wait, they looked familiar? I remember they were on the corner watching me this morning," as you finish Anna fangirls in front of you creating a concerned look comes on your face. "You just served BTS, and that translator guy is Rap Monster the leader of the group," it finally clicked in your mind like a spark was ignited. " Seriously? Are you talking about that K-pop group that we watched last week on TV," Anna shakes her head vigorously, "Oh my gosh! I legitimately just talked to RM? They were watching me perform this morning."

Heading out of the workroom in your simple hipster outfit a whistle catches your attention, RM waves for you to come over. "Hi, how are you gentlemen today," you happily say waving your hand. Another member of the group hesitantly asked, "Are you the girl that was out by the corner dancing earlier," a hint of blush comes over your face, "Yes sir, that was me." The table laughs at how respectful you are acting in front of them, a chair slides next to you, "Please sit down. You seem like an interesting girl." Grabbing the chair you thank the man with the snow blonde hair, "You don't have to be respectful around us, just imagine us as friends." Adjusting your seat to be closer to the table the translator introduces all the men by pointing to each member, "This is Suga, Jimin, V, Jungkook, Jin, J-Hope, and I'm RM." You give them a warm smile and introduce yourself to them, "Hello, I'm (y/n). If you're trying to remember or already so I'm the girl that was at the corner this morning performing," all the men remember and compliments you on your performance. Jin compliments the performance, "You were really amazing actually," he glances over at RM, he nods his head and looks at you, "We're in Los Angeles for few weeks and we were looking for backup dancers for our concerts. After watching you dance to our songs this morning, we were wondering if you would like to be apart of the concert? Every move you were hitting with perfection, so if you're interested here's our companies number if you want in." You grab the card from his hand and slip it into your pants pocket, "Well, it was nice meeting you and I'll give you a call," before you exit RM tells you one more thing, "Oh by the way (y/n), I like your outfit. It feels like your type of style here in LA." 

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