Chapter 23- Alice, into the Rabbit Hole

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You pull up to the exhibit and the outside is stunning, "Look at the flowers, they're so pretty," you walk up to them and take in the vibrant colors, "I sense another photo shoot is coming," Namjoon says pulling out his phone, you stand by the floors and pose again causing him to laugh hysterically. Entering the building you are in awe, "I feel like I'm in the movie," Namjoon stands behind you, "I've been here a couple of times but this time, it's special," you look over at him and smile brightly. Turning the corner your jaw drops, "Woah, a Mad Hatter exhibit. This is crazy," you start to look around, Namjoon catches up to you, "Don't run away from me," he chuckles, you focus back on him, "Sorry, I just love the Mad Hatter," a light bulb goes off in Namjoon's head, "Well I have the perfect way to make sure you don't run off again," you focus on him and wonder what's on his mind, at that moment he takes his hand and grabs your hand tightly, "Now, you can't leave me," Namjoon assures you.

Following other people around the exhibit you can see Army fans out of the corner of your eyes huddled up, talking, and taking pictures, seeing them reminds you of what you've dealt with back in Los Angeles, "Army fans are talking about me," you whisper, Namjoon glances over and sees them, "How can you tell," you try to look away, "They have their phones out and whispering to each other," Namjoon squeezes your hand tighter, "Don't worry, they're probably jealous at how beautiful you look," hearing the complement calms you down, Namjoon turns to face you, "Don't worry about the Army. Just enjoy this experience," you look down and try to forget the huddle of Army fans, Namjoon wraps his arm around your waist and holds you tightly, "Just love yourself." At the end of the exhibit there's a photo booth with different Alice in Wonderland props sitting by it, "Oh, photo booth," you practically drag Namjoon to the photo booth to capture the moment, you look at the props and grab a lot of things; you grab the Mad Hatter's hat, a headband with Alice's bow attached, rabbit ears, and the card of hearts. As you enter the booth Namjoon inserts a dollar into the machine and we sit on the bench putting some of the props on waiting for the camera to capture the silliness. After the photos Namjoon looks at the time, "No, it can't be time already," you look at him concernedly, "What is it," he rolls his head back, "Looks like it time to go meet the others at the arena," you pout at him, "Really," he nods his head, you look up at him and lay your head on his arm "I know. I don't want this to end either, but all great fun has to come to an end." Heading back to the car the driver is waiting, "Mr. Namjoon, where to now," he looks at the driver, "To the arena for the concert."

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