Chapter 3- The Call

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As you enter your apartment the bed is calling your name, collapsing on the bed you start to fangirl into the pillow that muffles your screaming. After five minutes of acting like a Justin Bieber fan you sit up and brush your long (h/c) hair out of the way, "I can't believe BTS watched me perform. I can't believe I served them coffee. I can't believe they gave me their business card to be one of their backup dancers for their concerts." You remove the card from your back pocket and examine it contemplating whether or not you want to be apart of the BTS experience. While studying the card your phone buzzes, texts keep rolling in by Anna wanting to know what happened when you sat with the men.

Anna: I saw that RM whistled you over. What happened? What did he say? What did he give you? Did he give you his phone number? ;) Give me the details, please!

Me: We just talked, that's all. The conversation was about this morning and how good I was dancing to their songs on my playlist. He didn't give me his phone number, I'm pretty sure he's not allowed to do that because of the fans and BigHit Entertainment. But, before I headed out the door RM did compliment me on my outfit. I might wear sleeveless shirts, ripped jeans, red high converse and fake glasses more often.

Anna: That outfit was really cute on you by the way. But you're not answering one of the questions I asked. What did he give you if it wasn't his phone number?

Me: It was their business card. They said I was really good this morning dancing so they wanted to know if I wanted to be their backup dancer. I've been thinking about calling them but I just don't know if I should.

Anna: Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me? You seriously need to call them and be apart of the concert, I would do it in a heartbeat. (Y/N) you are an amazing dancer and all you ever talked about growing up was learning how to dance like BTS. Call them! This could be your big break, start small and work your way up sister.

Me: Alright, you convinced me. This could be my big break! Plus, I've been wanting to go to a BTS concert for a long time anyway; being on the stage with them dancing is the best seat in the house. Thanks, Anna for helping me, couldn't ask for a better friend.

When the conversation ended you immediately starting dialing the number on the card. Ring after ring you started to pace back and forth in the apartment waiting to hear a voice on the other end of the line. When the line clicks your heart drops for a second, this is seriously going to happen. You're about to be apart of the most jaw-dropping concert ever that has ever played in Los Angeles, California. An hour passes and you are officially a backup dancer for BTS, "Thank you, sir! I will see you tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock." When the line clicks you switch over from call to text to let Anna know how the call went.

Me: The deal has been made.

Anna: Wait... Did you take my advice? OMG! What did you say? What did they say? I need answers!!!

Me: I sounded professional, that the lord for that. I told their manager that I was interested in the offer that I had received earlier. The manager said that he's glad that I'm taking the offer. Also, he said that RM couldn't stop talking about me. Should I be worried?

Anna: Congratulations! You're gonna dance in front of millions of people in a few days. But, what do you mean by "Should I be worried?"

Me: Their manager said that RM couldn't stop talking about me. Should I be worried?

Anna: Oh... looks like RM has a crush. Lucky! But, if it was Jungkook instead then you're a dead girl.

Me: You can have Jungkook all to yourself. But, I'm not sure about RM? He's a K-pop idol and if anything did happen then I'm pretty sure the ARMY will not only hate him but they could know who I am and start sending me hate.

Anna: Okay the ARMY, I can understand that but my eyes don't deceive me. He was so into you! You're just blind, open your eyes when you see him again, you'll be surprised by what you witness.

Me: I'm not the blind idiot. Namjoon would only like me as a friend. I think?

Anna: Wrong! I was watching you from the counter. As soon as you walked away he was staring at you like I am on my phone.

Me: Seriously? He was staring at me when I left?

Anna: Totally. As you walked out the door he stared at you the entire time. I know a crush when I see one and Kim Namjoon seriously has a crush on you. I saw the sparks fly when you smiled at him when he handed you the card, I'm jealous of you (y/n)."

Me: Wow. You really want me to like him back don't you? Well, too bad because I don't and I never will.

As the sun is sinking over the California mountains you prepare yourself for tomorrow morning's practice. When you look at yourself in the mirror sudden questions rush to your head like a wrecking ball, What will happen tomorrow? What if I make a fool of myself in front of the most well-known boy band in the entire world? What if Anna was right? What if Namjoon does have a crush on me? What would I do? How would I act around him? Help me! You can't let this stuff get in your way, you need to clear your mind and the best remedy for stress is sleep. Flipping the light switch off you head to bed to get a good night's rest for the day that will change your entire life forever. 

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