Chapter 42- Three Months Strong

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A new day dawns as today is your three month anniversary with Namjoon, even though you two are miles and miles apart the distance can't keep your love from reaching each other. Waking up your phone starts to blow up with notifications from everyone wishing you a happy anniversary.

Anna: Happy three month anniversary with Namjoon!!!! (three heart emoticons)

Hoseok: Happy anniversary with our Namjoonie! We love you!

Jin: Three months with Namjoon, wow! You keep him going strong, we'll keep him in line for you.

Jimin: Happy anniversary! Wish you were here to celebrate with him.

Taehyung: Namjoon has been happier ever since you came into his life. Happy three months! Fighting!!!!! (fist emoticon)

Jungkook: Namjoon is lucky to have you, even I'm jealous. The guys and I can use your relationship as a good example.

Yoongi: I can't believe you've been with Namjoon for three months even though the distance is keeping you two apart. Just always remember, "Together forever, never apart. Sometimes in distance, but never in heart." Happy anniversary!!!!

Namjoon: Happy anniversary baby! Being with you for three whole months seem like years, the distance can never come between us no matter how hard it tries. I miss you every day and every night. I work hard every day to not only produce good music or performances but to make you happy because you mean a lot to me. Hopefully one day we can celebrate many more years together in person and not miles apart. I LOVE YOU!!!!!

After reading all the texts you go back and personally thank everyone for the messages and send back a meaningful text to Namjoon.

Me: Happy anniversary sweetheart! Being with you is something that I only thought dreams could do but dreams do come true. I'm glad that Bangtan came to Los Angeles almost two years ago, and that all of you stopped on the corner to watch me. Being with you replaces all the negative things that I've faced in my past, you bring me hope and light when I'm down in a dark part of my mind. I wish we were together right now celebrating three incredible months. To many more years together! Fighting!!!!!!!!!! (fist emoticon) I love you with all my heart Kim Namjoon!!!

Sending the message to him flooded your mind with meaningful memories, three months, wow. You get up and get dressed for work, why do I have to work on my anniversary?

Entering work Anna gives you a big hug and congratulates you again on three months with Namjoon, "Happy anniversary (y/n). I'm so happy for you," you embrace the hug, "Thank you." Hours of working is draining the energy out of your happy day, I need a nap like Yoongi. During your break you stay in the back room and take a very anticipated hour nap, how does Yoongi do this on a daily basis? After about 50 minutes of napping, you wake up to a vibrating phone in your pocket, who dares interrupt my nap? Oh, what's this, what is Twitter telling me? You open Twitter and see your Twitter handle tagged in a video post, why did BigHit tag me in a video? You open the video and see the message attached, unfortunately, it's in Korean but thank the Lord for translations, you hit the translation button and read the message, "To Kim Namjoon and (Y/N). For many more years to come, we love you," watching the video there are compilations of your favorite songs by BTS and photos of you and Namjoon from the many times you were together in the same room, debut photos of you on stage with the guys, good photos, silly photos, photos from your many dates with him, and ones that the guys had taken from backstage. After watching it you repost the video and only put a heart emoticon, that was so sweet of BigHit to make a video for me and Namjoon, I need to send a message personally to BigHit thanking them for the video.

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