Chapter 20- Final Days (Time skip)

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These two weeks with the boys have been some of the best moments of your life filled with fun, jokes, and memories. Unfortunately, you leave Seoul in two days to fly back to Los Angeles which is doing to stab everyone in the heart, especially Namjoon. In your room you start to gather your things up so it's easier to pack on the final night, just being in the house you can feel the depression taking over everyone. You head downstairs to step outside clearing your head until you hear the guys having a meeting, "What are we going to do about the last concert," Taehyung ask, the guys exchange looks to each other, "We could dedicate the final concert to her," Yoongi suggest, Hoseok agrees, "That's a good idea. The entire concert to Army is normal but to (y/n) it's special," the all agree. Hearing there concert plans make you tear up a little, you sprint towards the door to get out trying to quietly open and close it, somewhat a success. The breeze is gentle, not too hot and not too cold, you walk over to the tree where you and Namjoon shared the hammock that one night of stargazing. After setting it up you get in and enjoy the isolation, drifting into deep sleep you're suddenly awoken by Jimin, "What the f... oh my gosh, don't do that," you jolt up in shock, Jimin falls back in laughter, "Sorry, I thought you were Namjoon," you sit up and look over at Jimin on the ground, "Why are you out here," he asked in a concerned manner, "The whole house if filled with depression because I'm leaving in two days and I just needed to get out," Jimin stands up and moves over to you, "Understandable. The guys and I had to lift Namjoon out of bed this morning," confusion washed over your face, "Why did you have to lift him out of bed," Jimin fixes his hat, "He didn't want to get up because he's gonna miss you terribly." At the thought of Namjoon missing you terribly you cover your face with your hands, "I'm gonna miss all of you guys terribly as well," Jimin takes your hand and rubs it softly, "I know."

The boys have been showering you with unconditional love and appreciation who have to leave the house just to get away from them. There have been times where you just to scream that the guys to stop getting you gifts and treating you to everything and there have been times where you want to shower all the guys with kisses, this is getting out of hand.

Tonight the guys have a concert one in two series, they've done it before but now for them, the pressure is tough because they want the final two nights to be memorable for you, "No! It's this, you're doing this," Hoseok is getting frustrated at the simple imperfection the members are having, sadly you can hear them from your room, sitting in your room trying to block out the sound with music it fails, you gotta be kidding me. Storming out of your room you swiftly walk down the hall and down the stairs to find the guys sweating buckets from the nonstop dance practice, not thinking twice you walk into the open space they created in the living room and let anger flood the whole house, "Are you serious," they all stop and look over at you standing at the bottom of the stairs, "I'm trying to relax in my room and all I hear is screaming from Hoseok. You guys have a studio, go there and practice. Seriously, give it a break! You have tonight to rehearse not 12 in the afternoon. Please, I'm begging all of you, take this practice somewhere else," everyone is shocked at your anger towards them, Taehyung carefully walks towards you, "Woah, (y/n) calm down. We're sorry, we didn't mean to interrupt you," you step back away from Taehyung causing him to stop in his tracks, "No! You meant to interrupt, I can't even listen to music on full volume without hearing all you argue," they all look down, "Oh and one more thing. I don't need gifts from you guys every two seconds. Give it a break," you sprint up the stairs not looking back, Namjoon snaps out of it and hollers, "(Y/N)! Wait," Taehyung stops Namjoon from chasing after you, "Don't. Let her be alone, she asked for it. Let's stop before we tear each other apart."

Reaching your bedroom door you slam it shut causing the whole house to shake like an earthquake accorded, you fall on your bed face down and feel tears stream down your eyes, I can't believe I said that. I'm a horrible friend. Downstairs the guys are draped all over the place recovering from both practice and your anger, "Did we really make her that mad," Jungkook ask as Jin chimes in, "I guess we did. Maybe we should have taken practice to the studio and not here," Hoseok sits up from the floor, "We should of but she did makeup realize something. We have been showering her with gifts every two seconds," the all agree. Yoongi gets up from the couch and heads towards the stairs, "I'm gonna go talk to her," Taehyung jumps up from the floor, "Don't do it, she wants to be alone remember," Yoongi ignores Taehyung, "I don't care, if I get punched for it, oh well. Wish me luck," he walks upstairs with caution every footstep he makes.

Laying on your bed balling your eyes out you hear a faint knock at the door, "(Y/N), are you in there," you turn your head around, "Go away! I don't need therapy," the doorknob turns slowly as Yoongi pokes his head in, "I just want to talk. That's all," he closes the door covering his lower half afraid of you throwing something at him, "Fine, I'll allow it," you turn around and lean up against the wall, "Can I sit," he points to the bed, you nod your head, " I just want to talk about what happened downstairs," you wipe tears away and start to talk, "I'm sorry. I'm a horrible friend to say all of those things. I just got frustrated with all the gifts, yelling, and stress," Yoongi sits there understanding the situation, "You're not a horrible friend. You were right, we should have took practice to the studio and if the gifts were bothering you, you should have spoke up," you feel more tears stream down your face thinking about all gifts the boys got you, "I didn't want to be rude," Yoongi moves closer and takes your face in his hands, "You don't look pretty with tears waterfalling down your face," you laugh as Yoongi wipes the tears away.

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