Chapter 66- Let The Plan Begin

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Finally, today is the day that Namjoon's life will change forever as he will promise you a better future with him. As the new day dawn, you wake up to the sweetest text from Namjoon about the six months you two have been together.

Namjoon: Good morning my beautiful angel. Happy six month anniversary, I wish I was with you right now to celebrate our special day, but six months, WOW, that's a long time. I remember the first day that I met you, I was like "Wow, she's the most beautiful human being ever created." You have changed me in the biggest way, you never see it but you have. You gave me confidence that I didn't know existed, you helped me get inspiration for new songs, you helped me face the Army about us dating because I would have thought the Army wouldn't accept me dating you, but you stood by my side all these months and I thank you deeply for that. I promise you that one day, in the future, you will be mine for eternity. I love you jagiya! *heart emoticon*

You finish reading the text and smile brightly at the message as it's really Namjoon's words and feelings that he's felt towards you for these six months. Anna calls you a few minutes after the text was sent to congratulate you on these six months with Namjoon.

Me: Hello.

Anna: Hey, happy six month anniversary!

Me: Aww, you remembered.

Anna: How could I forget. I wrote it down on my calendar.

Me: I thought you did. I'll do the same for you if you ever get a boyfriend that isn't Jungkook.

Anna: Ugh, a girl can dream.

Me: But Namjoon did send me the sweetest message ever.

Anna: I wanna see it.

Me: Okay. *copied message from Namjoon*

Anna: OMG! He is totally the sweetest guy ever.

After a while Anna FaceTimed Namjoon to see if he was ready for tonight's concert and plan.

Namjoon: Hello.

Anna: Hey, are you ready for today.

Namjoon: I am, still nervous though.

Anna: Stop being nervous.

Namjoon: I know. *Anna notices that Namjoon is looking around for something.*

Anna: What are you doing?

Namjoon: Um...

Anna: Namjoon, what happened?

Namjoon: Well...

Anna: Please tell me you didn't lose the ring.

Namjoon: *shy laugh*

Anna: KIM NAMJOON! How did you lose the ring, wasn't it in a black box.

Namjoon: Yes, it was by my bed last night.

Anna: Did you accidentally hit it when you were sleeping?

Namjoon: I don't think I did.

Anna: Please go check before I come up there.

Namjoon: *goes to his bed and looks on, around, and under the bed* Oh... is this... YES!

Anna: You found it?

Namjoon: *shows the box with the ring in it* It was under the bed. *shy laugh*

Anna: You must have knocked it off the nightstand, but thank the Lord that you found it.

Namjoon: I'm glad too. Anyways, see you tonight.

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