Chapter 26- Cheer Up (Time skip)

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Six months have passed since you left Seoul and the boys behind, and these past months have taken a poll on you mentally, I wonder what Namjoon's doing? I hope he hasn't forgotten me or found a girlfriend yet? Being away from them for so long has taken away your bright smile and has replaced it with a fake one. Day by day you go through the normal morning routine, wake up, work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. Occasionally the members text, call, or facetime you and see how you're doing, but you couldn't come to your senses and tell them that being away from them is causing your depression to act up so you put on a fake smile and tell them that life is good when it really isn't.

At the coffee shop, you do the same thing, you place a fake smile on your face and Anna could tell that it wasn't the real you. After work Anna couldn't avoid your depression, "I can't tell when you're depressed. What's wrong, did Namjoon do something to you? Do I need to fly to Seoul and beat him up," you giggle a little, "No, you don't need to do that." Anna drags a chair next to you and comforts you, "Then what's wrong," you look at your photos to avoid eye contact, "I miss them," your breathing starts to get heavier, "I miss Namjoon," at the thought of Namjoon tears start flowing down your face. Anna places a hand on your back and rubs it, "Aw, (y/n). I know you miss him, please don't cry, I hate seeing you like that." The tears aren't going to stop soon, Anna pulls you up from your chair and wraps her arms around your neck holding in a long hug, "Please stop crying, I need my happy sister, not a depressed one," you wrap your arms around Anna's ribs and continue crying. On the table your phone buzzes, Anna looks at the screen, "Well look at that, guess who's calling," you turn your head and look down Namjoon calling...

Me: Hello? *Wiping away tears*

Namjoon: (Y/N)? Are you okay? You don't sound like yourself?

Me: Yeah, no I'm fine. What's up?

Namjoon: Don't lie to me (y/n), you don't sound fine. What's going on, did something bad happen?

Me: No, not really.

Namjoon: Are you doing anything right now?

Me: I just got down with work, why?

Namjoon: Okay, hold on. I'm gonna hang up, don't go anywhere.

Me: Nam- *He hangs up* That son of a-

Your phone starts to buzz again, Namjoon wants to Facetime...

Me: Hi.

Namjoon: Hello! *He waves his hand like an excited kid*

Me: Why did you call me then hang up to Facetime me? *You wipe away stray tears*

Namjoon: Are you crying? Did something terrible happen?

Me: No. It's just... *you sigh* it's just, ugh, I can't say it.

*Anna steps in*

Anna: Hi Namjoon.

Namjoon: Hi Anna. What's wrong with (y/n)?

Me: *You look behind to meet Anna's eyes* Don't say a word, please. *More tears started to roll down*

Anna: Sorry (y/n), I can't lie to him about you. *focuses back on Namjoon* She's been sad lately, she started crying before you called.

Namjoon: *Pouting* (Y/N), tell me what's wrong. *You shake your head* Please, let me help you. Tell me what's wrong.

Me: I don't want too. Can you just drop it, please?

Namjoon: I'm not going to drop it anytime soon, please (y/n), tell me. *You put the phone down and walk away. But Anna keeps the conversation going, Anna picks the phone back up.*

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