Chapter 19- High Vantage Point

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The nightlife of Seoul, South Korea is livelier than Los Angeles on Grammy night. People are in the streets walking, eating, buying fruits, and many more. Walking alongside Namjoon he points out to different building and stores talking about what they're like, "Over there is Supreme, amazing store," you look over and laugh, "LA has a Supreme store as well. I've only been inside once cause Anna wanted to check it out." Continuously walking around Seoul both of your stomachs growl loudly, "You hungry too," Namjoon laughs, "According to my stomach, yes," you reply. Two blocks down from your location is Hard Rock Cafe Seoul, "How does a burger sound," Namjoon questioned, you look down the street to the restaurant, "Sounds fantastic." Entering the restaurant it wasn't long before a group of Army fans came up to Namjoon for photos and autographs taking his attention away from you, Namjoon took one last photo with a fan and held his hand up to stop other fans, "Sorry guys, no more photos, please. I would like to enjoy some time with my friend over there," the group of fans leaned over and spotted you standing there looking lonely, "Sorry guys, maybe next time." He walks back over to you and apologizes, "It's totally fine, the idol life am I right," you say finding a booth for the both of you. After the meal you both stay in the booth talking for hours about random stuff, Namjoon's phone buzzes from notifications, "Ugh, stop texting me guys," he silents his phone and puts it away, "I assume the guys don't trust you by yourself," he drops his head down, "No, they just check up on me like parents when I'm out with someone," you laugh and grab his hand, "It's fine. My parents were like that when I went out with guys," Namjoon looks up with a pouty puppy face, "Stop that, you look weird," you tap his forehead causing him to laugh, "Wanna get out of here," he asks, you lean closer to him and smile, "Totally."

Leaving the restaurant you laugh at each others stupidity, "How stupid can we be," you jokingly ask, "I don't know, but I like it," he replies. Strolling through the town having a nice evening was never relaxing as more Army fans kept coming up to Namjoon asking for photos and autographs again, before they could ask him to sign or pose he politely speaks, "I'm sorry to say this but I would love to enjoy a peaceful evening with (y/n) please," the fans nod their heads and walk away disappointed but understanding, idols need "me time". Walking away you nudge Namjoon in the ribs, "Again, Idols life am I right," you laugh as he rolls his head back, "Maybe if I do this they'll leave us alone," you tilt your head sideways in confusion as Namjoon reaches for your hand and grips it tightly, "Maybe you're right," you relax a bit knowing that Namjoon will keep you safe. The lights from the multiple building are intensifying making it hard for you to look straight ahead, "I have something I want to show you," Namjoon leans over and whispers into your ear, "What is it," you question, he smiles and leads you, "I'll show you, come on."

Heading out of the city you end up at the Hangang Park walking under the street lamps illuminating the pavement. The two of you walk up a steep hill hand-in-hand heading towards the top. Namjoon stops in front you to block the view, "This is the surprise, don't look yet," he puts his hands over your eyes and guides you a little bit forward, "Ready," you shake your head, "One... two... three," he removes his hands showing you the view, seeing the city illuminating in the night sky causes your jaw to drop, "Woah. This is incredible," you take out your phone to capture several shots of the city lights. Namjoon sits down on the grass to take in the view, you hear a faint snap come from behind, "What did you just take a picture of," he holds both hands up looking innocent, "I didn't take a picture. My phones off," you turn around and examine him, "Oh really, then why is your phone in your lap with the camera on," he looks down at his phone, "I'm busted." Sitting down next to him you wonder what he took a picture of, "Did you take a picture of me," he looks away and laughs, "I took a selfie, that's all," you attempt to grab his phone from his lap but his hands are quicker, "Let me see the photo," you stretch your arm out as long as it can go trying to get his phone, "Nope. Where's my privacy, don't idols deserve privacy," he jokes which irritates you, "Shut up. Let me see the photo," he pushes you back and you beg like a cute puppy, "Please, pretty please," he laughs at you more then gives in, "Oh all right. How can I say no to a beautiful girl like you," he opens his photos to the last picture taken. Examining the photo together you are in amazement, "Oh wow, that's a really good photo. Send that to me," Namjoon sends the photo to you then proceeds to mess with it, "I think that's screensaver quality," you smile passionately. After the jokes died down both you and Namjoon stayed on top of the hill for hours gazing upon the city lights in awe. Looking at the city you agree to something you remember from the other night, "This is a good vantage point," Namjoon smiles, "Yeah, it is. The lights are good to enjoy but it's better when you share the moment with someone you love."

Later on in the night Namjoon and you return home, quietly sneaking in both of you are greeted by Jin sitting on the stairs like a mother waiting for her son to return home, "Kim Namjoon where were you? Do you not know what time it is," you start to laugh a little bit, Namjoon plays along, "Sorry mother Jin, my phone died," Jin looked disappointed, "I just worry about you sometimes. Head upstairs and go to bed young man," Namjoon nods his head and goes upstairs, you follow him but get stopped by Jin, "How was he," you looked down at Jin, "He was fine. Nothing wrong," Jin looks satisfied and lets you go. Namjoon waits for you at the top of the stairs, as you meet him both of you burst out laughing, "Shh... I think the others are asleep," you say. Reaching your bedroom door Namjoon stops you and reflects on the night, "That was fun," you turn to him and look into his sparkling brown eyes, "Agreed. Best night ever," you yawn in exhaustion from the packful night, "You seem tired. I'll let go sleep. Goodnight (y/n)," he wraps you in his arms and kisses your head, "Goodnight Namjoon."

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