Chapter 36- Night Out

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Finally getting home from work you collapse of your bed, what a day. A knock on your door grabs your attention, "Come in," Namjoon peaks in, "Hey. How was work," you sit up and smirk, "It was boring at first until a handsome man came in and turned my day into a happy one," Namjoon laughs, "While you were working I wrote you something. It's a poem that I recited, I love to write, it increased my vocabulary when I write my raps," you nod, "Alright. Perform the poem Mr. Kim Namjoon," you sit cross-legged on the bed and listen. He opens the notebook and clears his throat,

Namjoon: It's called 'Real Beauty Is Rare Beauty.' *adjust the notebook* "Up until now I've never seen beauty, The way it's been presented before me, Your beauty is as rare as a desert rose, Covering you from the top of your head To the very end of your toes."

You snap your fingers like people do at poetry readings, "Beautiful, beautiful," he laughs at your silliness. He closed the notebook and turns towards you, "Hey, I was thinking we should bring your last day in Seoul and bring it to Los Angeles," you look at him, "Like dinner and an exhibit again," he shakes his head, "No, just the dinner and we could walk on the beach like those American Romance movies," you nod, "Okay. Do you want to do it around 8 pm," he gets up and smiles, "Sounds good."

The time advances as you look for an outfit worthy of tonight, "Which dress should I choose? The dress from Seoul or my black sweetheart dress with jean jacket and red high converse? It's just a casual night out, not the Grammy's," you pick out the second choice and get ready. After a while you make it to the living room and find Namjoon waiting, wearing a red and black striped shirt, jean jacket, black jeans, timber boots, a gray beanie, and round glasses. "Well look at you. You look like you live in LA and not a foreigner," you say adjusting his jacket, "I feel like I went too casual. Just look at you, all dressed up," you smile, "Sorry, you didn't tell me what we were doing," Namjoon brushes your hair back, "Don't be sorry, you look amazing."

Namjoon and you pull up to Daily Grill for dinner, "I think you'll like this place," you said getting out of the car, you both enter and the host seats you at a table. Namjoon ordered Skirt Steak and you ordered Chicken Parmigiana, the atmosphere is lively and everyone there is having a great time. After dinner you and Namjoon walk around town and take in the cool breeze and LA nightlife, walking around there are a group of people surrounding someone singing by a bench with a guitar, "That music sounds phenomenal," Namjoon swipes your hand, "Let's go check it out then," you smile and walk over to the music. After the man finished a song, he glances over to you, "I see we have a lovely couple over here," you blush and look down, "I got the perfect song in mind for you two," he starts to strum a slow melody that makes you sway side to side, "Shall we dance," Namjoon steps out leading you to an open spot by the guitarist, you follow Namjoon's lead and dance the night away. Dancing with Namjoon is like a dream come true, the night is lovely, the moment is just right, nothing could go wrong. Namjoon pulls you closer to him, he rests his head on top of yours and whispers, "I love you so much," you blush and whisper back, "I love you too."

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