Meet Laganja

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Deal's POV:

Courtney had invited me and Adore over to her place the night prior to today. Adore had left early, leaving me and Court. I knew she liked Willam, maybe I could hook her up with her. That would be fun. "IT WAS SO FUNNY YOU THOUGHT MY CARPET WAS A DOG!" She howled in laughter telling me what had happened when I was drunk. "What-" I questioned. There was no way I thought Courtney's pink carpet was a dog. "And you named it Fluffles, too!" She exclaimed galling into another fit of laughter. "That must have been eventful," I said looking at my phone, tracing circles in the carpet. "Yeah, it was fun, I missed you guys." She admitted eating some of her salad that she had previously made. "Yeah, I missed you guys too, but haven't you noticed a change here lately?" I motioned towards the window which had grey foggy skies dancing above the misty lake in Courtney's neighborhood. "Yeah, but I'm just now noticing it to be serious." She shrugged taking another bite. There was a loud and quite obnoxious knock at the door and Courtney got up to get it setting her salad bowl on the coffee table. "Hey, mama!" I could tell who was there from the voice. Turns out, people's knocks match their personalities. I got up off the floor and stood in the door frame with Courtney. "What do you want 'Ganja?" Court asked her as I folded my arms. "Mama, I just want to know where Adore is." She explained popping her tongue to show that she had finished her sentence. "She left hours ago." I answered trying to close the door. "Hang on," Laganja said pulling the door in the opposite why I had. "Why do you dislike me?" She popped her tongue again and crossed her arms signaling she meant 'business'. "Last time you came here, you kidnapped Bianca's dogs, ate the cat food, and got me fined. Do I need to explain more?" Courtney butted in. Laganja rolled her eyes and batted her lashes. "And she crashed a drone into Adore's house, killed r of my fish, and threatened to feed you a sock." I spoke annoyingly to Courtney. She giggled and shoved the door shut. "Well then" I spoke to her hoping 'Ganja had left. "I called Willam this morning," she admitted. "And?" A looked at her. "She wants to meet me at the coffee shop. The one near Bianca's." She glanced at me and turned back to her phone. "Awwww, J wanted to be all cliche and set you up!" I wined crossing my arms. She laughed and pulled on a jacket. "Now?" I asked. "Yeah, now. She didn't tell me how she felt yet and um nervous." She bit her lip grabbing her car keys. "Don't be!" I smiled I attempt to get her to be more confident. She friend back and opened the door. "Want a ride?" She turned back to me. "Yeah, take me to Bianca's?" I asked. "Why?" She opened the passengers seat for me and stepped out of the way hinting I should get in. "I'm not going a day without seeing Dede and Sammy!" I shouted happily. "And fluffles." She added shutting the door. "Plus," I began as she opened the drivers side. "If I can't get you and Willam together, Adore will never admit to Bianca she likes her." I said turning on my phone. "That's not wrong." Court said as she put her jet in the hole turning on the car. "That's not wrong." She repeated quietly shaking her head.


Courtney stopped in front of Bianca's home to let me out. "Thanks!" I told her before she drove off. I knocked on the door, no answer. I rang the bell, no answer. I knocked on the window, no answer. I climbed the fence and checked the back door, yet again, no answer. Bianca hasn't been home, and her car wasn't there either. There isn't a place for her to be, usually she would come to the door with a sewing needle in her mouth and pins on her pin holder bracelet. Not today, Satan, not today. I climbed back over the fence. Bianca had a spare key, she justified trust any of us with it. I knew where she kept it, though, and it was a very smart spot. I opened her mail box and reached in pulling the latch to reveal the secret compartment where she stored the key. I grabbed it and closed the mail box. I put the key in the door and opened it up. The place looked abandoned. I walked up stairs and heard scratching at a door. I opened it to reveal her dogs, Dede and Sammy. They looked like they hadn't had food, seeing as they were Locked in that room for who knows how long. I stepped down each stair, the dogs trotting behind me. After setting them up with some food I went back up stairs. Maybe Bianca had fallen asleep and not remembered her dogs were in that room. U opened her bedroom door to reveal a half finished floor length ball gown in a burnt purpley shade. I realized whatever had happened, Bianca was in a rush. She wouldn't have left a dress like this unfinished. I was about to leave when I heard steps coming closer. I froze in fear. That wasn't Bianca. I turned around to reveal the face of the person who had broke in after me. It was-

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