In The Bathroom

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Max's POV:

I had made some cupcakes in Trixie's favorite color to cheer her up. I don't know exactly what had happened, but she's a friend, and friends help each other. I placed the complete sweets on a silver pan and walked out the door. After announcing I had made the girls snacks, I was being pulled into the ladies room. The door was slammed shut by none other than Miss Fame. "What was that for, Darling?" I looked up at her from my position on the floor. "There is someone out there with a gun, and I'm not letting you die." She said seriously before walking to the mirror where she had previously been doing her makeup before the "incident" had occurred. She began to put a lovely shade of blue on her eyelids. "What about the others?" I said quietly getting worried. They were the closest thing to a family I had. "I'm sure they will be okay." She sat down her brush. "Besides, its not like Katya is going to let anyone hold her captive." She nervously laughed grabbing a mascara wand. "Katya?" The last time she was here was- oh no. "I think they've made up, I don't exactly know, but Trixie seemed really upset about ending her longest relationship." I slowly gathered my self up off the floor and walked to the mirror. "Your really good at doing make up," I complimented staring at her beautiful eyes in the glass. "Thanks!" She smiled and it slightly warmed my heart. Was I falling for the chicken queen that may be my closest friend? "Wanna talk until the disaster out there is over?" She turned to me placed her eye pallet in a hand bag. "If course," I sat back in my original spot on the floor. "So," she said as if she didn't know what to say. "What would you do if trees could talk?" She asked, unsure of her own question. "I laughed and placed my hand above hers. "If trees could talk..." I asked my self looking for an answer. "I would have 58 new friends." I decided. She looked confused so I offered her more information. "The ones at your farm." I stated. "The ones the chickens sleep under?" She looked back at me from her gaze on the floor. "Yup." I replied. "You counted?" She asked. "Yeah, I guess I pay attention to small details." I shrugged. I saw her smile before I turned to face the door. "I hope they're okay out there." I whispered to her. "I have no don't they are fine." She said hugging me, but it sounded like she was assuring her self. A loud bang rung in my ears and surrounded the dead air. I, by instinct, jumped into Fame's arms. "It's okay..." She offered squeezing me yet again. "They will be fine." She said, her voice full if emotion- not the happy kind.

A/N: New ship?- sorry for the short chapter update: wow I somehow unpublished every chapter.

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