And now I'm crying 'cause you've been trying

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Dela's POV:
Shangela and I were meeting up at the cafe today... to be honest, I was pretty nervous. I put on a pink and green dress with white heels, and pulled my hair away from my face with a matching head band. I put on some earrings and did my makeup, then I noticed the time. I had 10 minutes to finish and get there. I rushed down the stairs and into my car, zooming past my neighbors. I passed Adore's home, and it was very sketchy. She and Bianca weren't there at the moment, but I knew they had been. I also had noticed that their neighbors were all acting unusual, and some I've never seen before, they barely looked human. The last thing I saw as my car moved past, was Adore walking outside the home, but when I put more consideration into what I had just saw, Adore had longer hair, maybe she cut it? Adobe's makeup was never like that, though she had Adore's face, and if Adore left the house, where was Bianca? All these questions with no answers, yet they all drained out of my head upon arrival to Max's cafe. I pulled up, and saw Shangela leaning against the French door's frame. I unlocked my car, hopping out, then licked it back up. Shangela's blonde hair was down, flowing freely below her shoulders. She wore glittery black heels and a beautiful dress. The dress had been white, and had red and blue sparkly stripes gliding across the silky fabric. It had a high rises neck line, almost like a turtle neck, and no sleeves. There was a large cut in the dress along her leg, on the side. She waved at me, her hair moving when she smiled. I smiled back, and proceeded to walk towards her. "So..." I trailed off after announcing my presence. She giggled and repeated my tone. "Hi...." I rolled my eyes and opened the door for us to walk into. She gladly moved into the cafe, smiling at me before waiting for me to follow in behind. Max and Fame hadn't appeared yet, so we sat at a table for two. I knew Max was here, I saw her when pulling up, and I don't think Fame would have let her stay here alone, most likely they were in the kitchen, restocking their food. Shangela had been impatient, and proved it to me today. She sat down groaning and mumbling about how she wanted food. I placed my hand on her knee from under the table to show her that it was okay to be tarty. She could be a pest sometimes, but I still loved her, and her company. She stopped making noises when Fame came out with a plate of cupcakes. She set them down on the cooling rack by the cash register, picked up a small notebook, and walked over to collect our order. Once we chose what we wanted we just sat there, staring into each other's eyes. Shangela would always tell me how much she hated having dark eyes, like the brown orbs she owned, but I loved them. The funny thing was, I only lived them on her. She cleared her throat, imprisoning to Max who was holding our food and drinks. She sat it down, beaming and handed us the order book, walking to where Fame stood by the restrooms.

Pearl's POV:
Violet limped up to the bed, her leg scarred from whatever Ginger had done to it. She had a large bruise growing on her face and around her neck, which I assumed had been from the Hello Kitty baton™. She sat on the plush mistress and removed her pony tail, letting her straight dark hair fall down to her back. She sat beside me on the bed, curling up into the bedding to get to sleep. I rubbed her back to see if she had been fully asleep, she had not because she mumbled, forcing me to stop. I took consideration into this moment, as she had been half asleep. I pulled her body into my lap, repeating what she had done before we cane to Hawaii. "I love you," I whispered, repeating her last words before I had fallen asleep. She smiled to herself as if she had been dreaming the entire moment. I got up, sliding her over to the other side of the bed. I walked to the bathroom and tried reading what drugs I had gotten from the employee, Kamody. I didn't think I had gotten her name right but oh well. I removed the cap and smelled what she had handed me. I still didn't know what it was, so I placed the cap back on, and slid the pills under the sink. There was a knock at the door and I got up from squatting to go open it up. Kamody stood there with a bottle of shampoo, and just announced "room service." In a very monotone voice. She held up the shampoo in my face before saying, "you wanted face soap?" I grabbed the bottle and nodded confused. Shampoo? She was walking to exit  the room when I caught her attention. "What kind if drugs did you hand me?" I asked her. She froze and turned slowly. "Don't tell anyone about that," she scolded, heading away. "Don't make any memes (me me z) of this meet up," she exclaimed, placing her black heeled feet into the elevator, heading down like her love life. I closed the door and placed the shampoo on the bathroom counter, reaching down to pick up the drugs. I inspected them closely, trying to see why she would have given me them. "Pearl?" A soft voice said behind me, as I froze in place.

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