That's Not a Secret

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Courtney's POV:

Willam and I walked hand and hand down the street back to her place. We had left my house after watching a movie, and were now headed to here's for who knows what. Walking past places like the cute cafe we had been to earlier we were almost there. We passed a place called 'Tea with Tati" and we turned to look at each other when we heard a familiar voice crying, and in between sobs saying, "it is what it is at the end of the day." Alaska. I pulled Willam's hand in the direction of our old friend's voice. "Alaska?" Willam asked the dark alley way as we heard the sobs begin to get loader. "Willam?" Alaska asked her. "Hey, 'laska." I said. "Court?" She came out of the darkness and squeezed us crying into our shoulders. "What's wrong?" Willam and I asked at the same time. "I... I was seeing Phi phi and she told Sharon, and now my chances are ruined." She said quietly smearing mascara across her cheeks while rubbing her eyes. "Oh my-" Willam began to say. I tapped her shoulder and whispered "Where is Sharon anyways?" And Willam just repeated it out loud. "I don't know- usually she would be at the grave yard finding a way to talk to her mother." Alaska told us. "By the way," Willam pointed out. "Courtney and I are dating now don't get any ideas from Phi Phi the mashed potato sauce." "What even is mashed potato sauce?" I asked Willam. She shrugged, "Gravy?" And with that I swear I saw Alaska smile- even though it was a small one, it was still there. We walked to the graveyard on the hill like the old days. All three AAA girls together. When we made it there, Sharon was no where to be seen. Willam was hugging Alaska and I looked around the area. I saw what looked like an Abandoned hospital and from the back of it it looked like Michelle Visage was carrying a human sized moving bag into a truck. "Do you see that?" I asked the two girls beside me. "Yeah..." Alaska said squinting her eyes. "You don't think there is someone in that bag, do you?" Willam asked no one in particular, but it was good that she asked no one, because neither me nor Alaska had the gut to answer that. Michelle looked in our direction and I was scared for my life. I climbed onto Willam who hugged me. Michelle looked away from us and looked the back doors of her van. She hopped in the front seat and looked like she was about to drive off. "What's this?" Alaska asked us picking up a foolproof picture of someone's eye. "I think I may know," Willam said looking at the photo. "It looks like it came out of a scrap book because of the dry glue on the back," she explained turning it around. "And I know a girl who keeps all her makeup looks and looks in general together in a scrap book to view later. Her name is Miz. Cracker. She lives in the house across me with her girlfriend Aquaria." Alaska took the photo back and inspected it. She nodded handing it to Willam. "I've been meaning to pop the question, seeing as I know Adore doesn't have Willam's number and Alaska, you weren't in town," I said aloud. "Bianca has a funeral soon..." I saw their faces go from confusion to sadness immediately. "What-" they both said. "Adore never got the chance to tell her how she felt- not that it was a secret." Willam said sadly. "Why was this Cracker at the graveyard, and what happened to Bianca?" Alaska questioned me. "Dela went missing 2 nights ago," I added. "I dropped her off at Bianca's and-" "Did Bianca do this?" Alaska asked. "No, she's dead." Willam replied rolling her eyes. "She died very oddly, I'll explain later, but for now we need to see if we can find Sharon." I explained. "If we were going to answer any if the questions, she would be a huge help."

●A/N: I literally update this story like 3 times a day, so sorry about the shorter ones●

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