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Sharon's POV:
No one knew what I had done. I intercepted with the fine line of life and Death. Adore is in her own little world where everything was a dream, and I don't know when I was going to break the news to her that Bianca hadn't gone on a business tour in California. I invited her to the small cafe Max had owned and asked Violet to make a pizza with Fame before hand, knowing Adore was a stress eater. I had been waiting at the entry way when she finally arrived. "Hey Sharon!" She shouted waving. "Hey, I've got something to tell you,there is also a large pizza set out for you that I ordered." I replied to her. "Party!" She exclaimed opening the French doors. Violet had requested the doors be removed many times because she hates France. I rolled my eyes at the thought and sat across from Adore. She had made a pretty successful life with music in the past 3 days of believing complete and utter lies, and I now had to break her heart, and probably her mind as well. "Adore, Bianca is dead." I said seriously  placing my hands on the table. She stopped chewing her pizza. "What?" She asked me with pizza sauce falling down her mouth. "Love was already dead." I told her, "It's not dying soon, Adore. It's already dead." Her eyes started tearing up "no -" she tried saying. Max ran over to us with a box if tissues and hugged Adore as tight as she did to Fame the day of the funeral. Just then, Jinkx Monsoon walked into the cafe with aa flyer in her hand. She placed it confront of me with a sad smile, I saw pity flash in her eyes. I looked at it and saw the last photo of Bianca ever taken. There was something in the back that I couldn't begin to explain. "I saw that on the security," Jinkx explained. "I thought you might have wanted to see."

SleepWalker ~rpdr Female AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang