The drugs are worth it, So it Seems

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Pearl's POV:
Violet had walked into our room looking dead and a horrible piece of fabric loosely tied around her leg. I set her down for bed, this time I hadn't been the one to fall asleep. Once she had completely knocked herself out, I removed the tragic looking fabric from her leg and saw a large cut from mid-thigh down. Some one had been torturing Violet, and I think I had a feeling on who it was. I removed the soaked fabric from the bed and tossed it in a trash bin. I then got a dark towel so that you couldn't see the blood stains. I dampened the towel in the bathroom and walked over to where Violet had been sleeping. I slowly cleaned her cut and grabbed the first aid kit that had been provided by the hotel. I wrapped the medical tape around her leg until the roll had been empty. I then placed it in trash with the fabric along side it and put the rag in the laundry. I grabbed the keys that Ginger had ever so kindly forgotten to steal again and unlocked the door. I walked out and locked it again. I placed the keys under the crack of the door and pushed then in with my figures, just in case I didn't make it. I exited the hotel building and lighted a cigarette while walking towards my destination. To be honest, I didn't know where that destination was, so it would be taking me a bit longer than I had planned for. I walked along the side walk having flash backs to when I tripped over Sharon'S book. I swear I was having Deja-vu when I mysteriously tumbled to the floor. I had not tripped over a book, but this time, a black at on with different glued on photos of a cartoon cat that I recognized as Hello Kitty. Why would someone even consider owning this- oh wait, that's probably why it was on the streets. Either that or someone was actually stupid enough to create that monstrosity. Then I realized, thus was proactively coming from the same girl who had that fabric. So I was on the right track. I had lost my cigarette when I took that tumble to the dirty concrete side walk, I light another one, oops. Then I saw who J had been looking for. Ginger Minj. She was as plump as ever, in another hideous fashion choice. I walked towards her and hit her hard with the baton. Now I see why she had it. That thing really worked. I tossed my cigarette at her after giving it a blunt end. "Farewell, Zebra." I mumbled referring to her awful zebra puke leggings. That girl was something, and kind wasn't one of them. Neither was caring, but the list goes on. I headed back to make sure Violet was safe, but this girl who had been working there stopped me. She asked if I wanted to take drugs from her, and me being some what high on cigarettes took them. It sounded like a good deal, I mean they had been free. I looked at the name tag on her uniform, but due to the bright lighting and her being far from me now, all I saw was "Kamody Gawempores".

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